id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references changelog:write-api,changelog,write-api,Write API,"New API explorer at /-/api for trying out the API. ( #1871 ) /db/-/create API for Creating a table . ( #1882 ) /db/table/-/insert API for Inserting rows . ( #1851 ) /db/table/-/drop API for Dropping tables . ( #1874 ) /db/table/pk/-/update API for Updating a row . ( #1863 ) /db/table/pk/-/delete API for Deleting a row . ( #1864 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a0 (2022-11-29)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1871""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1882""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1851""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1874""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1863""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1864""}]" changelog:writable-canned-queries,changelog,writable-canned-queries,Writable canned queries,"Datasette's Canned queries feature lets you define SQL queries in metadata.json which can then be executed by users visiting a specific URL. for example. Canned queries were previously restricted to SELECT , but Datasette 0.44 introduces the ability for canned queries to execute INSERT or UPDATE queries as well, using the new ""write"": true property ( #800 ): { ""databases"": { ""dogs"": { ""queries"": { ""add_name"": { ""sql"": ""INSERT INTO names (name) VALUES (:name)"", ""write"": true } } } } } See Writable canned queries for more details.","[""Changelog"", ""0.44 (2020-06-11)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": """"}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#800""}]" changelog:v1-0-a9,changelog,v1-0-a9,1.0a9 (2024-02-16),This alpha release adds basic alter table support to the Datasette Write API and fixes a permissions bug relating to the /upsert API endpoint.,"[""Changelog""]",[] changelog:v1-0-a8,changelog,v1-0-a8,1.0a8 (2024-02-07),"This alpha release continues the migration of Datasette's configuration from metadata.yaml to the new datasette.yaml configuration file, introduces a new system for JavaScript plugins and adds several new plugin hooks. See Datasette 1.0a8: JavaScript plugins, new plugin hooks and plugin configuration in datasette.yaml for an annotated version of these release notes.","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Datasette 1.0a8: JavaScript plugins, new plugin hooks and plugin configuration in datasette.yaml""}]" changelog:v1-0-a7,changelog,v1-0-a7,1.0a7 (2023-09-21),Fix for a crashing bug caused by viewing the table page for a named in-memory database. ( #2189 ),"[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2189""}]" changelog:v1-0-a6,changelog,v1-0-a6,1.0a6 (2023-09-07),"New plugin hook: actors_from_ids(datasette, actor_ids) and an internal method to accompany it, await .actors_from_ids(actor_ids) . This mechanism is intended to be used by plugins that may need to display the actor who was responsible for something managed by that plugin: they can now resolve the recorded IDs of actors into the full actor objects. ( #2181 ) DATASETTE_LOAD_PLUGINS environment variable for controlling which plugins are loaded by Datasette. ( #2164 ) Datasette now checks if the user has permission to view a table linked to by a foreign key before turning that foreign key into a clickable link. ( #2178 ) The execute-sql permission now implies that the actor can also view the database and instance. ( #2169 ) Documentation describing a pattern for building plugins that themselves define further hooks for other plugins. ( #1765 ) Datasette is now tested against the Python 3.12 preview. ( #2175 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2181""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2164""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2178""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2169""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1765""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2175""}]" changelog:v1-0-a5,changelog,v1-0-a5,1.0a5 (2023-08-29),"When restrictions are applied to API tokens , those restrictions now behave slightly differently: applying the view-table restriction will imply the ability to view-database for the database containing that table, and both view-table and view-database will imply view-instance . Previously you needed to create a token with restrictions that explicitly listed view-instance and view-database and view-table in order to view a table without getting a permission denied error. ( #2102 ) New datasette.yaml (or .json ) configuration file, which can be specified using datasette -c path-to-file . The goal here to consolidate settings, plugin configuration, permissions, canned queries, and other Datasette configuration into a single single file, separate from metadata.yaml . The legacy settings.json config file used for Configuration directory mode has been removed, and datasette.yaml has a ""settings"" section where the same settings key/value pairs can be included. In the next future alpha release, more configuration such as plugins/permissions/canned queries will be moved to the datasette.yaml file. See #2093 for more details. Thanks, Alex Garcia. The -s/--setting option can now take dotted paths to nested settings. These will then be used to set or over-ride the same options as are present in the new configuration file. ( #2156 ) New --actor '{""id"": ""json-goes-here""}' option for use with datasette --get to treat the simulated request as being made by a specific actor, see datasette --get . ( #2153 ) The Datasette _internal database has had some changes. It no longer shows up in the datasette.databases list by default, and is now instead available to plugins using the datasette.get_internal_database() . Plugins are invited to use this as a private database to store configuration and settings and secrets that should not be made visible through the default Datasette interface. Users can pass the new --internal internal.db option to persist that internal database to disk. Thanks, Alex Garcia. ( #2157 ).","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2102""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2093""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2156""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2153""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2157""}]" changelog:v1-0-a4,changelog,v1-0-a4,1.0a4 (2023-08-21),"This alpha fixes a security issue with the /-/api API explorer. On authenticated Datasette instances (instances protected using plugins such as datasette-auth-passwords ) the API explorer interface could reveal the names of databases and tables within the protected instance. The data stored in those tables was not revealed. For more information and workarounds, read the security advisory . The issue has been present in every previous alpha version of Datasette 1.0: versions 1.0a0, 1.0a1, 1.0a2 and 1.0a3. Also in this alpha: The new datasette plugins --requirements option outputs a list of currently installed plugins in Python requirements.txt format, useful for duplicating that installation elsewhere. ( #2133 ) Writable canned queries can now define a on_success_message_sql field in their configuration, containing a SQL query that should be executed upon successful completion of the write operation in order to generate a message to be shown to the user. ( #2138 ) The automatically generated border color for a database is now shown in more places around the application. ( #2119 ) Every instance of example shell script code in the documentation should now include a working copy button, free from additional syntax. ( #2140 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-auth-passwords""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""the security advisory""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2133""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2138""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2119""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2140""}]" changelog:v1-0-a3,changelog,v1-0-a3,1.0a3 (2023-08-09),"This alpha release previews the updated design for Datasette's default JSON API. ( #782 ) The new default JSON representation for both table pages ( /dbname/table.json ) and arbitrary SQL queries ( /dbname.json?sql=... ) is now shaped like this: { ""ok"": true, ""rows"": [ { ""id"": 3, ""name"": ""Detroit"" }, { ""id"": 2, ""name"": ""Los Angeles"" }, { ""id"": 4, ""name"": ""Memnonia"" }, { ""id"": 1, ""name"": ""San Francisco"" } ], ""truncated"": false } Tables will include an additional ""next"" key for pagination, which can be passed to ?_next= to fetch the next page of results. The various ?_shape= options continue to work as before - see Different shapes for details. A new ?_extra= mechanism is available for tables, but has not yet been stabilized or documented. Details on that are available in #262 .","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#782""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#262""}]" changelog:v1-0-a2,changelog,v1-0-a2,1.0a2 (2022-12-14),"The third Datasette 1.0 alpha release adds upsert support to the JSON API, plus the ability to specify finely grained permissions when creating an API token. See Datasette 1.0a2: Upserts and finely grained permissions for an extended, annotated version of these release notes. New /db/table/-/upsert API, documented here . upsert is an update-or-insert: existing rows will have specified keys updated, but if no row matches the incoming primary key a brand new row will be inserted instead. ( #1878 ) New register_permissions(datasette) plugin hook. Plugins can now register named permissions, which will then be listed in various interfaces that show available permissions. ( #1940 ) The /db/-/create API for creating a table now accepts ""ignore"": true and ""replace"": true options when called with the ""rows"" property that creates a new table based on an example set of rows. This means the API can be called multiple times with different rows, setting rules for what should happen if a primary key collides with an existing row. ( #1927 ) Arbitrary permissions can now be configured at the instance, database and resource (table, SQL view or canned query) level in Datasette's Metadata JSON and YAML files. The new ""permissions"" key can be used to specify which actors should have which permissions. See Other permissions in datasette.yaml for details. ( #1636 ) The /-/create-token page can now be used to create API tokens which are restricted to just a subset of actions, including against specific databases or resources. See API Tokens for details. ( #1947 ) Likewise, the datasette create-token CLI command can now create tokens with a subset of permissions . ( #1855 ) New datasette.create_token() API method for programmatically creating signed API tokens. ( #1951 ) /db/-/create API now requires actor to have insert-row permission in order to use the ""row"" or ""rows"" properties. ( #1937 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Datasette 1.0a2: Upserts and finely grained permissions""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1878""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1940""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1927""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1636""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1947""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1855""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1951""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1937""}]" changelog:v1-0-a13,changelog,v1-0-a13,1.0a13 (2024-03-12),"Each of the key concepts in Datasette now has an actions menu , which plugins can use to add additional functionality targeting that entity. Plugin hook: view_actions() for actions that can be applied to a SQL view. ( #2297 ) Plugin hook: homepage_actions() for actions that apply to the instance homepage. ( #2298 ) Plugin hook: row_actions() for actions that apply to the row page. ( #2299 ) Action menu items for all of the *_actions() plugin hooks can now return an optional ""description"" key, which will be displayed in the menu below the action label. ( #2294 ) Plugin hooks documentation page is now organized with additional headings. ( #2300 ) Improved the display of action buttons on pages that also display metadata. ( #2286 ) The header and footer of the page now uses a subtle gradient effect, and options in the navigation menu are better visually defined. ( #2302 ) Table names that start with an underscore now default to hidden. ( #2104 ) pragma_table_list has been added to the allow-list of SQLite pragma functions supported by Datasette. select * from pragma_table_list() is no longer blocked. ( #2104 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2297""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2298""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2299""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2294""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2300""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2286""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2302""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2104""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2104""}]" changelog:v1-0-a12,changelog,v1-0-a12,1.0a12 (2024-02-29),"New query_actions() plugin hook, similar to table_actions() and database_actions() . Can be used to add a menu of actions to the canned query or arbitrary SQL query page. ( #2283 ) New design for the button that opens the query, table and database actions menu. ( #2281 ) ""does not contain"" table filter for finding rows that do not contain a string. ( #2287 ) Fixed a bug in the makeColumnActions(columnDetails) JavaScript plugin mechanism where the column action menu was not fully reset in between each interaction. ( #2289 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2283""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2281""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2287""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2289""}]" changelog:v1-0-a11,changelog,v1-0-a11,1.0a11 (2024-02-19),"The ""replace"": true argument to the /db/table/-/insert API now requires the actor to have the update-row permission. ( #2279 ) Fixed some UI bugs in the interactive permissions debugging tool. ( #2278 ) The column action menu now aligns better with the cog icon, and positions itself taking into account the width of the browser window. ( #2263 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2279""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2278""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2263""}]" changelog:v1-0-a10,changelog,v1-0-a10,1.0a10 (2024-02-17),"The only changes in this alpha correspond to the way Datasette handles database transactions. ( #2277 ) The database.execute_write_fn() method has a new transaction=True parameter. This defaults to True which means all functions executed using this method are now automatically wrapped in a transaction - previously the functions needed to roll transaction handling on their own, and many did not. Pass transaction=False to execute_write_fn() if you want to manually handle transactions in your function. Several internal Datasette features, including parts of the JSON write API , had been failing to wrap their operations in a transaction. This has been fixed by the new transaction=True default.","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2277""}]" changelog:v1-0-a1,changelog,v1-0-a1,1.0a1 (2022-12-01),"Write APIs now serve correct CORS headers if Datasette is started in --cors mode. See the full list of CORS headers in the documentation. ( #1922 ) Fixed a bug where the _memory database could be written to even though writes were not persisted. ( #1917 ) The demo instance now includes an ephemeral database which can be used to test Datasette's write APIs, using the new datasette-ephemeral-tables plugin to drop any created tables after five minutes. This database is only available if you sign in as the root user using the link on the homepage. ( #1915 ) Fixed a bug where hitting the write endpoints with a GET request returned a 500 error. It now returns a 405 (method not allowed) error instead. ( #1916 ) The list of endpoints in the API explorer now lists mutable databases first. ( #1918 ) The ""ignore"": true and ""replace"": true options for the insert API are now documented . ( #1924 )","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1922""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1917""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": """"}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-ephemeral-tables""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1915""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1916""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1918""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1924""}]" changelog:v1-0-a0,changelog,v1-0-a0,1.0a0 (2022-11-29),"This first alpha release of Datasette 1.0 introduces a brand new collection of APIs for writing to the database ( #1850 ), as well as a new API token mechanism baked into Datasette core. Previously, API tokens have only been supported by installing additional plugins. This is very much a preview: expect many more backwards incompatible API changes prior to the full 1.0 release. Feedback enthusiastically welcomed, either through issue comments or via the Datasette Discord community.","[""Changelog""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1850""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""issue comments""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Datasette Discord""}]" changelog:v0-29-medium-changes,changelog,v0-29-medium-changes,Easier custom templates for table rows,"If you want to customize the display of individual table rows, you can do so using a _table.html template include that looks something like this: {% for row in display_rows %}

{{ row[""title""] }}

{{ row[""description""] }}

Category: {{ row.display(""category_id"") }}

{% endfor %} This is a backwards incompatible change . If you previously had a custom template called _rows_and_columns.html you need to rename it to _table.html . See Custom templates for full details.","[""Changelog"", ""0.29 (2019-07-07)""]",[] changelog:v0-28-register-output-renderer,changelog,v0-28-register-output-renderer,register_output_renderer plugins,"Russ Garrett implemented a new Datasette plugin hook called register_output_renderer ( #441 ) which allows plugins to create additional output renderers in addition to Datasette's default .json and .csv . Russ's in-development datasette-geo plugin includes an example of this hook being used to output .geojson automatically converted from SpatiaLite.","[""Changelog"", ""0.28 (2019-05-19)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#441""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-geo""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""an example""}]" changelog:v0-28-publish-cloudrun,changelog,v0-28-publish-cloudrun,datasette publish cloudrun,"Google Cloud Run is a brand new serverless hosting platform from Google, which allows you to build a Docker container which will run only when HTTP traffic is received and will shut down (and hence cost you nothing) the rest of the time. It's similar to Zeit's Now v1 Docker hosting platform which sadly is no longer accepting signups from new users. The new datasette publish cloudrun command was contributed by Romain Primet ( #434 ) and publishes selected databases to a new Datasette instance running on Google Cloud Run. See Publishing to Google Cloud Run for full documentation.","[""Changelog"", ""0.28 (2019-05-19)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Google Cloud Run""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""no longer accepting signups""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#434""}]" changelog:v0-28-medium-changes,changelog,v0-28-medium-changes,Medium changes,"Datasette now conforms to the Black coding style ( #449 ) - and has a unit test to enforce this in the future New Special table arguments : ?columnname__in=value1,value2,value3 filter for executing SQL IN queries against a table, see Table arguments ( #433 ) ?columnname__date=yyyy-mm-dd filter which returns rows where the spoecified datetime column falls on the specified date ( 583b22a ) ?tags__arraycontains=tag filter which acts against a JSON array contained in a column ( 78e45ea ) ?_where=sql-fragment filter for the table view ( #429 ) ?_fts_table=mytable and ?_fts_pk=mycolumn query string options can be used to specify which FTS table to use for a search query - see Configuring full-text search for a table or view ( #428 ) You can now pass the same table filter multiple times - for example, ?content__not=world&content__not=hello will return all rows where the content column is neither hello or world ( #288 ) You can now specify about and about_url metadata (in addition to source and license ) linking to further information about a project - see Source, license and about New ?_trace=1 parameter now adds debug information showing every SQL query that was executed while constructing the page ( #435 ) datasette inspect now just calculates table counts, and does not introspect other database metadata ( #462 ) Removed /-/inspect page entirely - this will be replaced by something similar in the future, see #465 Datasette can now run against an in-memory SQLite database. You can do this by starting it without passing any files or by using the new --memory option to datasette serve . This can be useful for experimenting with SQLite queries that do not access any data, such as SELECT 1+1 or SELECT sqlite_version() .","[""Changelog"", ""0.28 (2019-05-19)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Black coding style""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#449""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#433""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""583b22a""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""78e45ea""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#429""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#428""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#288""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#435""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#462""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#465""}]" changelog:v0-28-faceting,changelog,v0-28-faceting,"Faceting improvements, and faceting plugins","Datasette Facets provide an intuitive way to quickly summarize and interact with data. Previously the only supported faceting technique was column faceting, but 0.28 introduces two powerful new capabilities: facet-by-JSON-array and the ability to define further facet types using plugins. Facet by array ( #359 ) is only available if your SQLite installation provides the json1 extension. Datasette will automatically detect columns that contain JSON arrays of values and offer a faceting interface against those columns - useful for modelling things like tags without needing to break them out into a new table. See Facet by JSON array for more. The new register_facet_classes() plugin hook ( #445 ) can be used to register additional custom facet classes. Each facet class should provide two methods: suggest() which suggests facet selections that might be appropriate for a provided SQL query, and facet_results() which executes a facet operation and returns results. Datasette's own faceting implementations have been refactored to use the same API as these plugins.","[""Changelog"", ""0.28 (2019-05-19)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#359""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#445""}]" changelog:v0-28-databases-that-change,changelog,v0-28-databases-that-change,Supporting databases that change,"From the beginning of the project, Datasette has been designed with read-only databases in mind. If a database is guaranteed not to change it opens up all kinds of interesting opportunities - from taking advantage of SQLite immutable mode and HTTP caching to bundling static copies of the database directly in a Docker container. The interesting ideas in Datasette explores this idea in detail. As my goals for the project have developed, I realized that read-only databases are no longer the right default. SQLite actually supports concurrent access very well provided only one thread attempts to write to a database at a time, and I keep encountering sensible use-cases for running Datasette on top of a database that is processing inserts and updates. So, as-of version 0.28 Datasette no longer assumes that a database file will not change. It is now safe to point Datasette at a SQLite database which is being updated by another process. Making this change was a lot of work - see tracking tickets #418 , #419 and #420 . It required new thinking around how Datasette should calculate table counts (an expensive operation against a large, changing database) and also meant reconsidering the ""content hash"" URLs Datasette has used in the past to optimize the performance of HTTP caches. Datasette can still run against immutable files and gains numerous performance benefits from doing so, but this is no longer the default behaviour. Take a look at the new Performance and caching documentation section for details on how to make the most of Datasette against data that you know will be staying read-only and immutable.","[""Changelog"", ""0.28 (2019-05-19)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""The interesting ideas in Datasette""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#418""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#419""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#420""}]" changelog:url-building,changelog,url-building,URL building,"The new datasette.urls family of methods can be used to generate URLs to key pages within the Datasette interface, both within custom templates and Datasette plugins. See Building URLs within plugins for more details. ( #904 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.51 (2020-10-31)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#904""}]" changelog:through-for-joins-through-many-to-many-tables,changelog,through-for-joins-through-many-to-many-tables,?_through= for joins through many-to-many tables,"The new ?_through={json} argument to the Table view allows records to be filtered based on a many-to-many relationship. See Special table arguments for full documentation - here's an example . ( #355 ) This feature was added to help support facet by many-to-many , which isn't quite ready yet but will be coming in the next Datasette release.","[""Changelog"", ""0.29 (2019-07-07)""]","[{""href"": ""{%22table%22:%22roadside_attraction_characteristics%22,%22column%22:%22characteristic_id%22,%22value%22:%221%22}"", ""label"": ""an example""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#355""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""facet by many-to-many""}]" changelog:the-road-to-datasette-1-0,changelog,the-road-to-datasette-1-0,The road to Datasette 1.0,"I've assembled a milestone for Datasette 1.0 . The focus of the 1.0 release will be the following: Signify confidence in the quality/stability of Datasette Give plugin authors confidence that their plugins will work for the whole 1.x release cycle Provide the same confidence to developers building against Datasette JSON APIs If you have thoughts about what you would like to see for Datasette 1.0 you can join the conversation on issue #519 .","[""Changelog"", ""0.44 (2020-06-11)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""milestone for Datasette 1.0""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""the conversation on issue #519""}]" changelog:the-internal-database,changelog,the-internal-database,The _internal database,"As part of ongoing work to help Datasette handle much larger numbers of connected databases and tables (see Datasette Library ) Datasette now maintains an in-memory SQLite database with details of all of the attached databases, tables, columns, indexes and foreign keys. ( #1150 ) This will support future improvements such as a searchable, paginated homepage of all available tables. You can explore an example of this database by signing in as root to the demo instance and then navigating to . Plugins can use these tables to introspect attached data in an efficient way. Plugin authors should note that this is not yet considered a stable interface, so any plugins that use this may need to make changes prior to Datasette 1.0 if the _internal table schemas change.","[""Changelog"", ""0.54 (2021-01-25)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Datasette Library""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1150""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""signing in as root""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": """"}]" changelog:smaller-changes,changelog,smaller-changes,Smaller changes,"Datasette documentation now shows YAML examples for Metadata by default, with a tab interface for switching to JSON. ( #1153 ) register_output_renderer(datasette) plugins now have access to error and truncated arguments, allowing them to display error messages and take into account truncated results. ( #2130 ) render_cell() plugin hook now also supports an optional request argument. ( #2007 ) New Justfile to support development workflows for Datasette using Just . datasette.render_template() can now accepts a datasette.views.Context subclass as an alternative to a dictionary. ( #2127 ) datasette install -e path option for editable installations, useful while developing plugins. ( #2106 ) When started with the --cors option Datasette now serves an Access-Control-Max-Age: 3600 header, ensuring CORS OPTIONS requests are repeated no more than once an hour. ( #2079 ) Fixed a bug where the _internal database could display None instead of null for in-memory databases. ( #1970 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a3 (2023-08-09)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1153""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2130""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2007""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Just""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2127""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2106""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2079""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1970""}]" changelog:small-changes,changelog,small-changes,Small changes,"Databases published using datasette publish now open in Immutable mode . ( #469 ) ?col__date= now works for columns containing spaces Automatic label detection (for deciding which column to show when linking to a foreign key) has been improved. ( #485 ) Fixed bug where pagination broke when combined with an expanded foreign key. ( #489 ) Contributors can now run pip install -e .[docs] to get all of the dependencies needed to build the documentation, including cd docs && make livehtml support. Datasette's dependencies are now all specified using the ~= match operator. ( #532 ) white-space: pre-wrap now used for table creation SQL. ( #505 ) Full list of commits between 0.28 and 0.29.","[""Changelog"", ""0.29 (2019-07-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#469""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#485""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#489""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#532""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#505""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Full list of commits""}]" changelog:signed-values-and-secrets,changelog,signed-values-and-secrets,Signed values and secrets,"Both flash messages and user authentication needed a way to sign values and set signed cookies. Two new methods are now available for plugins to take advantage of this mechanism: .sign(value, namespace=""default"") and .unsign(value, namespace=""default"") . Datasette will generate a secret automatically when it starts up, but to avoid resetting the secret (and hence invalidating any cookies) every time the server restarts you should set your own secret. You can pass a secret to Datasette using the new --secret option or with a DATASETTE_SECRET environment variable. See Configuring the secret for more details. You can also set a secret when you deploy Datasette using datasette publish or datasette package - see Using secrets with datasette publish . Plugins can now sign values and verify their signatures using the datasette.sign() and datasette.unsign() methods.","[""Changelog"", ""0.44 (2020-06-11)""]",[] changelog:signed-api-tokens,changelog,signed-api-tokens,Signed API tokens,"New /-/create-token page allowing authenticated users to create signed API tokens that can act on their behalf, see API Tokens . ( #1852 ) New datasette create-token command for creating tokens from the command line: datasette create-token . New allow_signed_tokens setting which can be used to turn off signed token support. ( #1856 ) New max_signed_tokens_ttl setting for restricting the maximum allowed duration of a signed token. ( #1858 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a0 (2022-11-29)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1852""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1856""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1858""}]" changelog:secret-plugin-configuration-options,changelog,secret-plugin-configuration-options,Secret plugin configuration options,"Plugins like datasette-auth-github need a safe way to set secret configuration options. Since the default mechanism for configuring plugins exposes those settings in /-/metadata a new mechanism was needed. Secret configuration values describes how plugins can now specify that their settings should be read from a file or an environment variable: { ""plugins"": { ""datasette-auth-github"": { ""client_secret"": { ""$env"": ""GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"" } } } } These plugin secrets can be set directly using datasette publish . See Custom metadata and plugins for details. ( #538 and #543 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.29 (2019-07-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-auth-github""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#538""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#543""}]" changelog:running-datasette-behind-a-proxy,changelog,running-datasette-behind-a-proxy,Running Datasette behind a proxy,"The base_url configuration option is designed to help run Datasette on a specific path behind a proxy - for example if you want to run an instance of Datasette at /my-datasette/ within your existing site's URL hierarchy, proxied behind nginx or Apache. Support for this configuration option has been greatly improved ( #1023 ), and guidelines for using it are now available in a new documentation section on Running Datasette behind a proxy . ( #1027 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.51 (2020-10-31)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1023""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1027""}]" changelog:register-routes-plugin-hooks,changelog,register-routes-plugin-hooks,register_routes() plugin hooks,"Plugins can now register new views and routes via the register_routes(datasette) plugin hook ( #819 ). View functions can be defined that accept any of the current datasette object, the current request , or the ASGI scope , send and receive objects.","[""Changelog"", ""0.44 (2020-06-11)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#819""}]" changelog:plugins-can-now-add-links-within-datasette,changelog,plugins-can-now-add-links-within-datasette,Plugins can now add links within Datasette,"A number of existing Datasette plugins add new pages to the Datasette interface, providig tools for things like uploading CSVs , editing table schemas or configuring full-text search . Plugins like this can now link to themselves from other parts of Datasette interface. The menu_links(datasette, actor, request) hook ( #1064 ) lets plugins add links to Datasette's new top-right application menu, and the table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table, request) hook ( #1066 ) adds links to a new ""table actions"" menu on the table page. The demo at now includes some example plugins. To see the new table actions menu first sign into that demo as root and then visit the facetable table to see the new cog icon menu at the top of the page.","[""Changelog"", ""0.51 (2020-10-31)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""uploading CSVs""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""editing table schemas""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""configuring full-text search""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1064""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1066""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": """"}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""sign into that demo as root""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""facetable""}]" changelog:plugins-and-internals,changelog,plugins-and-internals,Plugins and internals,"New plugin hook: filters_from_request(request, database, table, datasette) , which runs on the table page and can be used to support new custom query string parameters that modify the SQL query. ( #473 ) Added two additional methods for writing to the database: await db.execute_write_script(sql, block=True) and await db.execute_write_many(sql, params_seq, block=True) . ( #1570 ) The db.execute_write() internal method now defaults to blocking until the write operation has completed. Previously it defaulted to queuing the write and then continuing to run code while the write was in the queue. ( #1579 ) Database write connections now execute the prepare_connection(conn, database, datasette) plugin hook. ( #1564 ) The Datasette() constructor no longer requires the files= argument, and is now documented at Datasette class . ( #1563 ) The tracing feature now traces write queries, not just read queries. ( #1568 ) The query string variables exposed by request.args will now include blank strings for arguments such as foo in ?foo=&bar=1 rather than ignoring those parameters entirely. ( #1551 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.60 (2022-01-13)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#473""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1570""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1579""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1564""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1563""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1568""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1551""}]" changelog:plugin-hooks-and-internals,changelog,plugin-hooks-and-internals,Plugin hooks and internals,"The prepare_jinja2_environment(env, datasette) plugin hook now accepts an optional datasette argument. Hook implementations can also now return an async function which will be awaited automatically. ( #1809 ) Database(is_mutable=) now defaults to True . ( #1808 ) The datasette.check_visibility() method now accepts an optional permissions= list, allowing it to take multiple permissions into account at once when deciding if something should be shown as public or private. This has been used to correctly display padlock icons in more places in the Datasette interface. ( #1829 ) Datasette no longer enforces upper bounds on its dependencies. ( #1800 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.63 (2022-10-27)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1809""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1808""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1829""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1800""}]" changelog:plugin-hooks,changelog,plugin-hooks,Plugin hooks,"New jinja2_environment_from_request(datasette, request, env) plugin hook, which can be used to customize the current Jinja environment based on the incoming request. This can be used to modify the template lookup path based on the incoming request hostname, among other things. ( #2225 ) New family of template slot plugin hooks : top_homepage , top_database , top_table , top_row , top_query , top_canned_query . Plugins can use these to provide additional HTML to be injected at the top of the corresponding pages. ( #1191 ) New track_event() mechanism for plugins to emit and receive events when certain events occur within Datasette. ( #2240 ) Plugins can register additional event classes using register_events(datasette) . They can then trigger those events with the datasette.track_event(event) internal method. Plugins can subscribe to notifications of events using the track_event(datasette, event) plugin hook. Datasette core now emits login , logout , create-token , create-table , drop-table , insert-rows , upsert-rows , update-row , delete-row events, documented here . New internal function for plugin authors: await db.execute_isolated_fn(fn) , for creating a new SQLite connection, executing code and then closing that connection, all while preventing other code from writing to that particular database. This connection will not have the prepare_connection() plugin hook executed against it, allowing plugins to perform actions that might otherwise be blocked by existing connection configuration. ( #2218 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a8 (2024-02-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2225""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1191""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2240""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2218""}]" changelog:permissions-fix-for-the-upsert-api,changelog,permissions-fix-for-the-upsert-api,Permissions fix for the upsert API,"The /database/table/-/upsert API had a minor permissions bug, only affecting Datasette instances that had configured the insert-row and update-row permissions to apply to a specific table rather than the database or instance as a whole. Full details in issue #2262 . To avoid similar mistakes in the future the datasette.permission_allowed() method now specifies default= as a keyword-only argument.","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a9 (2024-02-16)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2262""}]" changelog:permissions,changelog,permissions,Permissions,"Datasette also now has a built-in concept of Permissions . The permissions system answers the following question: Is this actor allowed to perform this action , optionally against this particular resource ? You can use the new ""allow"" block syntax in metadata.json (or metadata.yaml ) to set required permissions at the instance, database, table or canned query level. For example, to restrict access to the fixtures.db database to the ""root"" user: { ""databases"": { ""fixtures"": { ""allow"": { ""id"" ""root"" } } } } See Defining permissions with ""allow"" blocks for more details. Plugins can implement their own custom permission checks using the new permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource) hook. A new debug page at /-/permissions shows recent permission checks, to help administrators and plugin authors understand exactly what checks are being performed. This tool defaults to only being available to the root user, but can be exposed to other users by plugins that respond to the permissions-debug permission. ( #788 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.44 (2020-06-11)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#788""}]" changelog:permission-checks-now-consider-opinions-from-every-plugin,changelog,permission-checks-now-consider-opinions-from-every-plugin,Permission checks now consider opinions from every plugin,"The datasette.permission_allowed() method previously consulted every plugin that implemented the permission_allowed() plugin hook and obeyed the opinion of the last plugin to return a value. ( #2275 ) Datasette now consults every plugin and checks to see if any of them returned False (the veto rule), and if none of them did, it then checks to see if any of them returned True . This is explained at length in the new documentation covering How permissions are resolved .","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a9 (2024-02-16)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2275""}]" changelog:other-small-fixes,changelog,other-small-fixes,Other small fixes,"Made several performance improvements to the database schema introspection code that runs when Datasette first starts up. ( #1555 ) Label columns detected for foreign keys are now case-insensitive, so Name or TITLE will be detected in the same way as name or title . ( #1544 ) Upgraded Pluggy dependency to 1.0. ( #1575 ) Now using Plausible analytics for the Datasette documentation. explain query plan is now allowed with varying amounts of whitespace in the query. ( #1588 ) New CLI reference page showing the output of --help for each of the datasette sub-commands. This lead to several small improvements to the help copy. ( #1594 ) Fixed bug where writable canned queries could not be used with custom templates. ( #1547 ) Improved fix for a bug where columns with a underscore prefix could result in unnecessary hidden form fields. ( #1527 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.60 (2022-01-13)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1555""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1544""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1575""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Plausible analytics""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1588""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1594""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1547""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1527""}]" changelog:other-changes,changelog,other-changes,Other changes,"The new DATASETTE_TRACE_PLUGINS=1 environment variable turns on detailed trace output for every executed plugin hook, useful for debugging and understanding how the plugin system works at a low level. ( #2274 ) Datasette on Python 3.9 or above marks its non-cryptographic uses of the MD5 hash function as usedforsecurity=False , for compatibility with FIPS systems. ( #2270 ) SQL relating to Datasette's internal database now executes inside a transaction, avoiding a potential database locked error. ( #2273 ) The /-/threads debug page now identifies the database in the name associated with each dedicated write thread. ( #2265 ) The /db/-/create API now fires a insert-rows event if rows were inserted after the table was created. ( #2260 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a9 (2024-02-16)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2274""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2270""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2273""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2265""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2260""}]" changelog:new-visual-design,changelog,new-visual-design,New visual design,"Datasette is no longer white and grey with blue and purple links! Natalie Downe has been working on a visual refresh, the first iteration of which is included in this release. ( #1056 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.51 (2020-10-31)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Natalie Downe""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1056""}]" changelog:new-plugin-hooks,changelog,new-plugin-hooks,New plugin hooks,"register_magic_parameters(datasette) can be used to define new types of magic canned query parameters. startup(datasette) can run custom code when Datasette first starts up. datasette-init is a new plugin that uses this hook to create database tables and views on startup if they have not yet been created. ( #834 ) canned_queries(datasette, database, actor) lets plugins provide additional canned queries beyond those defined in Datasette's metadata. See datasette-saved-queries for an example of this hook in action. ( #852 ) forbidden(datasette, request, message) is a hook for customizing how Datasette responds to 403 forbidden errors. ( #812 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.45 (2020-07-01)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-init""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#834""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-saved-queries""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#852""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#812""}]" changelog:new-plugin-hook-extra-template-vars,changelog,new-plugin-hook-extra-template-vars,New plugin hook: extra_template_vars,"The extra_template_vars(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette) plugin hook allows plugins to inject their own additional variables into the Datasette template context. This can be used in conjunction with custom templates to customize the Datasette interface. datasette-auth-github uses this hook to add custom HTML to the new top navigation bar (which is designed to be modified by plugins, see #540 ).","[""Changelog"", ""0.29 (2019-07-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-auth-github""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#540""}]" changelog:new-plugin-hook-asgi-wrapper,changelog,new-plugin-hook-asgi-wrapper,New plugin hook: asgi_wrapper,"The asgi_wrapper(datasette) plugin hook allows plugins to entirely wrap the Datasette ASGI application in their own ASGI middleware. ( #520 ) Two new plugins take advantage of this hook: datasette-auth-github adds a authentication layer: users will have to sign in using their GitHub account before they can view data or interact with Datasette. You can also use it to restrict access to specific GitHub users, or to members of specified GitHub organizations or teams . datasette-cors allows you to configure CORS headers for your Datasette instance. You can use this to enable JavaScript running on a whitelisted set of domains to make fetch() calls to the JSON API provided by your Datasette instance.","[""Changelog"", ""0.29 (2019-07-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#520""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-auth-github""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""organizations""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""teams""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""datasette-cors""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""CORS headers""}]" changelog:new-features,changelog,new-features,New features,"If an error occurs while executing a user-provided SQL query, that query is now re-displayed in an editable form along with the error message. ( #619 ) New ?_col= and ?_nocol= parameters to show and hide columns in a table, plus an interface for hiding and showing columns in the column cog menu. ( #615 ) A new ?_facet_size= parameter for customizing the number of facet results returned on a table or view page. ( #1332 ) ?_facet_size=max sets that to the maximum, which defaults to 1,000 and is controlled by the the max_returned_rows setting. If facet results are truncated the … at the bottom of the facet list now links to this parameter. ( #1337 ) ?_nofacet=1 option to disable all facet calculations on a page, used as a performance optimization for CSV exports and ?_shape=array/object . ( #1349 , #263 ) ?_nocount=1 option to disable full query result counts. ( #1353 ) ?_trace=1 debugging option is now controlled by the new trace_debug setting, which is turned off by default. ( #1359 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.57 (2021-06-05)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#619""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#615""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1332""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1337""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1349""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#263""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1353""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1359""}]" changelog:new-configuration-settings,changelog,new-configuration-settings,New configuration settings,"Datasette's Settings now also supports boolean settings. A number of new configuration options have been added: num_sql_threads - the number of threads used to execute SQLite queries. Defaults to 3. allow_facet - enable or disable custom Facets using the _facet= parameter. Defaults to on. suggest_facets - should Datasette suggest facets? Defaults to on. allow_download - should users be allowed to download the entire SQLite database? Defaults to on. allow_sql - should users be allowed to execute custom SQL queries? Defaults to on. default_cache_ttl - Default HTTP caching max-age header in seconds. Defaults to 365 days - caching can be disabled entirely by settings this to 0. cache_size_kb - Set the amount of memory SQLite uses for its per-connection cache , in KB. allow_csv_stream - allow users to stream entire result sets as a single CSV file. Defaults to on. max_csv_mb - maximum size of a returned CSV file in MB. Defaults to 100MB, set to 0 to disable this limit.","[""Changelog"", ""0.23 (2018-06-18)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""per-connection cache""}]" changelog:named-in-memory-database-support,changelog,named-in-memory-database-support,Named in-memory database support,"As part of the work building the _internal database, Datasette now supports named in-memory databases that can be shared across multiple connections. This allows plugins to create in-memory databases which will persist data for the lifetime of the Datasette server process. ( #1151 ) The new memory_name= parameter to the Database class can be used to create named, shared in-memory databases.","[""Changelog"", ""0.54 (2021-01-25)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1151""}]" changelog:miscellaneous,changelog,miscellaneous,Miscellaneous,"Got JSON data in one of your columns? Use the new ?_json=COLNAME argument to tell Datasette to return that JSON value directly rather than encoding it as a string. If you just want an array of the first value of each row, use the new ?_shape=arrayfirst option - example .","[""Changelog"", ""0.23 (2018-06-18)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""example""}]" changelog:minor-fixes,changelog,minor-fixes,Minor fixes,"Datasette no longer attempts to run SQL queries in parallel when rendering a table page, as this was leading to some rare crashing bugs. ( #2189 ) Fixed warning: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API ( #2057 ) Fixed bug where ?_extra=columns parameter returned an incorrectly shaped response. ( #2230 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a8 (2024-02-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2189""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2057""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2230""}]" changelog:magic-parameters-for-canned-queries,changelog,magic-parameters-for-canned-queries,Magic parameters for canned queries,"Canned queries now support Magic parameters , which can be used to insert or select automatically generated values. For example: insert into logs (user_id, timestamp) values (:_actor_id, :_now_datetime_utc) This inserts the currently authenticated actor ID and the current datetime. ( #842 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.45 (2020-07-01)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#842""}]" changelog:log-out,changelog,log-out,Log out,"The ds_actor cookie can be used by plugins (or by Datasette's --root mechanism ) to authenticate users. The new /-/logout page provides a way to clear that cookie. A ""Log out"" button now shows in the global navigation provided the user is authenticated using the ds_actor cookie. ( #840 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.45 (2020-07-01)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#840""}]" changelog:latest-datasette-io,changelog,latest-datasette-io,,"Every commit to Datasette master is now automatically deployed by Travis CI to - ensuring there is always a live demo of the latest version of the software. The demo uses the fixtures from our unit tests, ensuring it demonstrates the same range of functionality that is covered by the tests. You can see how the deployment mechanism works in our .travis.yml file.","[""Changelog"", ""0.23 (2018-06-18)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": """"}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""the fixtures""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": "".travis.yml""}]" changelog:javascript-plugins,changelog,javascript-plugins,JavaScript plugins,"Datasette now includes a JavaScript plugins mechanism , allowing JavaScript to customize Datasette in a way that can collaborate with other plugins. This provides two initial hooks, with more to come in the future: makeAboveTablePanelConfigs() can add additional panels to the top of the table page. makeColumnActions() can add additional actions to the column menu. Thanks Cameron Yick for contributing this feature. ( #2052 )","[""Changelog"", ""1.0a8 (2024-02-07)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Cameron Yick""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#2052""}]" changelog:javascript-modules,changelog,javascript-modules,JavaScript modules,"JavaScript modules were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and provide native browser support for the import and export keywords. To use modules, JavaScript needs to be included in