id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references getting_started:getting-started-your-computer,getting_started,getting-started-your-computer,Using Datasette on your own computer,"First, follow the Installation instructions. Now you can run Datasette against a SQLite file on your computer using the following command: datasette path/to/database.db This will start a web server on port 8001 - visit http://localhost:8001/ to access the web interface. Add -o to open your browser automatically once Datasette has started: datasette path/to/database.db -o Use Chrome on OS X? You can run datasette against your browser history like so: datasette ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History --nolock The --nolock option ignores any file locks. This is safe as Datasette will open the file in read-only mode. Now visiting http://localhost:8001/History/downloads will show you a web interface to browse your downloads data: http://localhost:8001/History/downloads.json will return that data as JSON: { ""database"": ""History"", ""columns"": [ ""id"", ""current_path"", ""target_path"", ""start_time"", ""received_bytes"", ""total_bytes"", ... ], ""rows"": [ [ 1, ""/Users/simonw/Downloads/DropboxInstaller.dmg"", ""/Users/simonw/Downloads/DropboxInstaller.dmg"", 13097290269022132, 626688, 0, ... ] ] } http://localhost:8001/History/downloads.json?_shape=objects will return that data as JSON in a more convenient format: { ... ""rows"": [ { ""start_time"": 13097290269022132, ""interrupt_reason"": 0, ""hash"": """", ""id"": 1, ""site_url"": """", ""referrer"": """", ... } ] }","[""Getting started""]","[{""href"": ""http://localhost:8001/"", ""label"": ""http://localhost:8001/""}, {""href"": ""http://localhost:8001/History/downloads"", ""label"": ""http://localhost:8001/History/downloads""}, {""href"": ""http://localhost:8001/History/downloads.json"", ""label"": ""http://localhost:8001/History/downloads.json""}, {""href"": ""http://localhost:8001/History/downloads.json?_shape=objects"", ""label"": ""http://localhost:8001/History/downloads.json?_shape=objects""}]"