id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references internals:database-results,internals,database-results,Results,"The db.execute() method returns a single Results object. This can be used to access the rows returned by the query. Iterating over a Results object will yield SQLite Row objects . Each of these can be treated as a tuple or can be accessed using row[""column""] syntax: info = [] results = await db.execute(""select name from sqlite_master"") for row in results: info.append(row[""name""]) The Results object also has the following properties and methods: .truncated - boolean Indicates if this query was truncated - if it returned more results than the specified page_size . If this is true then the results object will only provide access to the first page_size rows in the query result. You can disable truncation by passing truncate=False to the db.query() method. .columns - list of strings A list of column names returned by the query. .rows - list of sqlite3.Row This property provides direct access to the list of rows returned by the database. You can access specific rows by index using results.rows[0] . .first() - row or None Returns the first row in the results, or None if no rows were returned. .single_value() Returns the value of the first column of the first row of results - but only if the query returned a single row with a single column. Raises a datasette.database.MultipleValues exception otherwise. .__len__() Calling len(results) returns the (truncated) number of returned results.","[""Internals for plugins"", ""Database class""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Row objects""}]"