id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references testing_plugins:testing-plugins-register-in-test,testing_plugins,testing-plugins-register-in-test,Registering a plugin for the duration of a test,"When writing tests for plugins you may find it useful to register a test plugin just for the duration of a single test. You can do this using pm.register() and pm.unregister() like this: from datasette import hookimpl from import Datasette from datasette.plugins import pm import pytest @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_using_test_plugin(): class TestPlugin: __name__ = ""TestPlugin"" # Use hookimpl and method names to register hooks @hookimpl def register_routes(self): return [ (r""^/error$"", lambda: 1 / 0), ] pm.register(TestPlugin(), name=""undo"") try: # The test implementation goes here datasette = Datasette() response = await datasette.client.get(""/error"") assert response.status_code == 500 finally: pm.unregister(name=""undo"") To reuse the same temporary plugin in multiple tests, you can register it inside a fixture in your file like this: from datasette import hookimpl from import Datasette from datasette.plugins import pm import pytest import pytest_asyncio @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def datasette_with_plugin(): class TestPlugin: __name__ = ""TestPlugin"" @hookimpl def register_routes(self): return [ (r""^/error$"", lambda: 1 / 0), ] pm.register(TestPlugin(), name=""undo"") try: yield Datasette() finally: pm.unregister(name=""undo"") Note the yield statement here - this ensures that the finally: block that unregisters the plugin is executed only after the test function itself has completed. Then in a test: @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_error(datasette_with_plugin): response = await datasette_with_plugin.client.get(""/error"") assert response.status_code == 500","[""Testing plugins""]",[]