id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references changelog:features,changelog,features,Features,"Now tested against Python 3.11. Docker containers used by datasette publish and datasette package both now use that version of Python. ( #1853 ) --load-extension option now supports entrypoints. Thanks, Alex Garcia. ( #1789 ) Facet size can now be set per-table with the new facet_size table metadata option. ( #1804 ) The truncate_cells_html setting now also affects long URLs in columns. ( #1805 ) The non-JavaScript SQL editor textarea now increases height to fit the SQL query. ( #1786 ) Facets are now displayed with better line-breaks in long values. Thanks, Daniel Rech. ( #1794 ) The settings.json file used in Configuration directory mode is now validated on startup. ( #1816 ) SQL queries can now include leading SQL comments, using /* ... */ or -- ... syntax. Thanks, Charles Nepote. ( #1860 ) SQL query is now re-displayed when terminated with a time limit error. ( #1819 ) The inspect data mechanism is now used to speed up server startup - thanks, Forest Gregg. ( #1834 ) In Configuration directory mode databases with filenames ending in .sqlite or .sqlite3 are now automatically added to the Datasette instance. ( #1646 ) Breadcrumb navigation display now respects the current user's permissions. ( #1831 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.63 (2022-10-27)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1853""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1789""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1804""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1805""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1786""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1794""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1816""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1860""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1819""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1834""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1646""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1831""}]" changelog:id13,changelog,id13,Documentation,"New tutorial: Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette . Screenshots in the documentation are now maintained using shot-scraper , as described in Automating screenshots for the Datasette documentation using shot-scraper . ( #1844 ) More detailed command descriptions on the CLI reference page. ( #1787 ) New documentation on Running Datasette using OpenRC - thanks, Adam Simpson. ( #1825 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.63 (2022-10-27)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""shot-scraper""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""Automating screenshots for the Datasette documentation using shot-scraper""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1844""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1787""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1825""}]" changelog:plugin-hooks-and-internals,changelog,plugin-hooks-and-internals,Plugin hooks and internals,"The prepare_jinja2_environment(env, datasette) plugin hook now accepts an optional datasette argument. Hook implementations can also now return an async function which will be awaited automatically. ( #1809 ) Database(is_mutable=) now defaults to True . ( #1808 ) The datasette.check_visibility() method now accepts an optional permissions= list, allowing it to take multiple permissions into account at once when deciding if something should be shown as public or private. This has been used to correctly display padlock icons in more places in the Datasette interface. ( #1829 ) Datasette no longer enforces upper bounds on its dependencies. ( #1800 )","[""Changelog"", ""0.63 (2022-10-27)""]","[{""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1809""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1808""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1829""}, {""href"": """", ""label"": ""#1800""}]"