id,page,ref,title,content,breadcrumbs,references changelog:id9,changelog,id9,0.64 (2023-01-09),"Datasette now strongly recommends against allowing arbitrary SQL queries if you are using SpatiaLite . SpatiaLite includes SQL functions that could cause the Datasette server to crash. See SpatiaLite for more details. New default_allow_sql setting, providing an easier way to disable all arbitrary SQL execution by end users: datasette --setting default_allow_sql off . See also Controlling the ability to execute arbitrary SQL . ( #1409 ) Building a location to time zone API with SpatiaLite is a new Datasette tutorial showing how to safely use SpatiaLite to create a location to time zone API. New documentation about how to debug problems loading SQLite extensions . The error message shown when an extension cannot be loaded has also been improved. ( #1979 ) Fixed an accessibility issue: the