{"id": "internals:internals-utils", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-utils", "title": "The datasette.utils module", "content": "The datasette.utils module contains various utility functions used by Datasette. As a general rule you should consider anything in this module to be unstable - functions and classes here could change without warning or be removed entirely between Datasette releases, without being mentioned in the release notes. \n The exception to this rule is anything that is documented here. If you find a need for an undocumented utility function in your own work, consider opening an issue requesting that the function you are using be upgraded to documented and supported status.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/new\", \"label\": \"opening an issue\"}]"} {"id": "internals:internals-multiparams", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-multiparams", "title": "The MultiParams class", "content": "request.args is a MultiParams object - a dictionary-like object which provides access to query string parameters that may have multiple values. \n Consider the query string ?foo=1&foo=2&bar=3 - with two values for foo and one value for bar . \n \n \n request.args[key] - string \n \n Returns the first value for that key, or raises a KeyError if the key is missing. For the above example request.args[\"foo\"] would return \"1\" . \n \n \n \n request.args.get(key) - string or None \n \n Returns the first value for that key, or None if the key is missing. Pass a second argument to specify a different default, e.g. q = request.args.get(\"q\", \"\") . \n \n \n \n request.args.getlist(key) - list of strings \n \n Returns the list of strings for that key. request.args.getlist(\"foo\") would return [\"1\", \"2\"] in the above example. request.args.getlist(\"bar\") would return [\"3\"] . If the key is missing an empty list will be returned. \n \n \n \n request.args.keys() - list of strings \n \n Returns the list of available keys - for the example this would be [\"foo\", \"bar\"] . \n \n \n \n key in request.args - True or False \n \n You can use if key in request.args to check if a key is present. \n \n \n \n for key in request.args - iterator \n \n This lets you loop through every available key. \n \n \n \n len(request.args) - integer \n \n Returns the number of keys.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:internals-response", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-response", "title": "Response class", "content": "The Response class can be returned from view functions that have been registered using the register_routes(datasette) hook. \n The Response() constructor takes the following arguments: \n \n \n body - string \n \n The body of the response. \n \n \n \n status - integer (optional) \n \n The HTTP status - defaults to 200. \n \n \n \n headers - dictionary (optional) \n \n A dictionary of extra HTTP headers, e.g. {\"x-hello\": \"world\"} . \n \n \n \n content_type - string (optional) \n \n The content-type for the response. Defaults to text/plain . \n \n \n \n For example: \n from datasette.utils.asgi import Response\n\nresponse = Response(\n \"This is XML\",\n content_type=\"application/xml; charset=utf-8\",\n) \n The quickest way to create responses is using the Response.text(...) , Response.html(...) , Response.json(...) or Response.redirect(...) helper methods: \n from datasette.utils.asgi import Response\n\nhtml_response = Response.html(\"This is HTML\")\njson_response = Response.json({\"this_is\": \"json\"})\ntext_response = Response.text(\n \"This will become utf-8 encoded text\"\n)\n# Redirects are served as 302, unless you pass status=301:\nredirect_response = Response.redirect(\n \"https://latest.datasette.io/\"\n) \n Each of these responses will use the correct corresponding content-type - text/html; charset=utf-8 , application/json; charset=utf-8 or text/plain; charset=utf-8 respectively. \n Each of the helper methods take optional status= and headers= arguments, documented above.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:internals-request", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-request", "title": "Request object", "content": "The request object is passed to various plugin hooks. It represents an incoming HTTP request. It has the following properties: \n \n \n .scope - dictionary \n \n The ASGI scope that was used to construct this request, described in the ASGI HTTP connection scope specification. \n \n \n \n .method - string \n \n The HTTP method for this request, usually GET or POST . \n \n \n \n .url - string \n \n The full URL for this request, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures . \n \n \n \n .scheme - string \n \n The request scheme - usually https or http . \n \n \n \n .headers - dictionary (str -> str) \n \n A dictionary of incoming HTTP request headers. Header names have been converted to lowercase. \n \n \n \n .cookies - dictionary (str -> str) \n \n A dictionary of incoming cookies \n \n \n \n .host - string \n \n The host header from the incoming request, e.g. latest.datasette.io or localhost . \n \n \n \n .path - string \n \n The path of the request excluding the query string, e.g. /fixtures . \n \n \n \n .full_path - string \n \n The path of the request including the query string if one is present, e.g. /fixtures?sql=select+sqlite_version() . \n \n \n \n .query_string - string \n \n The query string component of the request, without the ? - e.g. name__contains=sam&age__gt=10 . \n \n \n \n .args - MultiParams \n \n An object representing the parsed query string parameters, see below. \n \n \n \n .url_vars - dictionary (str -> str) \n \n Variables extracted from the URL path, if that path was defined using a regular expression. See register_routes(datasette) . \n \n \n \n .actor - dictionary (str -> Any) or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor (see actors ), or None if the request is unauthenticated. \n \n \n \n The object also has two awaitable methods: \n \n \n await request.post_vars() - dictionary \n \n Returns a dictionary of form variables that were submitted in the request body via POST . Don't forget to read about CSRF protection ! \n \n \n \n await request.post_body() - bytes \n \n Returns the un-parsed body of a request submitted by POST - useful for things like incoming JSON data. \n \n \n \n And a class method that can be used to create fake request objects for use in tests: \n \n \n fake(path_with_query_string, method=\"GET\", scheme=\"http\", url_vars=None) \n \n Returns a Request instance for the specified path and method. For example: \n from datasette import Request\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\nrequest = Request.fake(\n \"/fixtures/facetable/\",\n url_vars={\"database\": \"fixtures\", \"table\": \"facetable\"},\n)\npprint(request.scope) \n This outputs: \n {'http_version': '1.1',\n 'method': 'GET',\n 'path': '/fixtures/facetable/',\n 'query_string': b'',\n 'raw_path': b'/fixtures/facetable/',\n 'scheme': 'http',\n 'type': 'http',\n 'url_route': {'kwargs': {'database': 'fixtures', 'table': 'facetable'}}}", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://asgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/specs/www.html#connection-scope\", \"label\": \"ASGI HTTP connection scope\"}]"} {"id": "internals:internals-shortcuts", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-shortcuts", "title": "Import shortcuts", "content": "The following commonly used symbols can be imported directly from the datasette module: \n from datasette import Response\nfrom datasette import Forbidden\nfrom datasette import NotFound\nfrom datasette import hookimpl\nfrom datasette import actor_matches_allow", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:internals-internal", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-internal", "title": "Datasette's internal database", "content": "Datasette maintains an \"internal\" SQLite database used for configuration, caching, and storage. Plugins can store configuration, settings, and other data inside this database. By default, Datasette will use a temporary in-memory SQLite database as the internal database, which is created at startup and destroyed at shutdown. Users of Datasette can optionally pass in a --internal flag to specify the path to a SQLite database to use as the internal database, which will persist internal data across Datasette instances. \n Datasette maintains tables called catalog_databases , catalog_tables , catalog_columns , catalog_indexes , catalog_foreign_keys with details of the attached databases and their schemas. These tables should not be considered a stable API - they may change between Datasette releases. \n The internal database is not exposed in the Datasette application by default, which means private data can safely be stored without worry of accidentally leaking information through the default Datasette interface and API. However, other plugins do have full read and write access to the internal database. \n Plugins can access this database by calling internal_db = datasette.get_internal_database() and then executing queries using the Database API . \n Plugin authors are asked to practice good etiquette when using the internal database, as all plugins use the same database to store data. For example: \n \n \n Use a unique prefix when creating tables, indices, and triggers in the internal database. If your plugin is called datasette-xyz , then prefix names with datasette_xyz_* . \n \n \n Avoid long-running write statements that may stall or block other plugins that are trying to write at the same time. \n \n \n Use temporary tables or shared in-memory attached databases when possible. \n \n \n Avoid implementing features that could expose private data stored in the internal database by other plugins.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:internals-datasette", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-datasette", "title": "Datasette class", "content": "This object is an instance of the Datasette class, passed to many plugin hooks as an argument called datasette . \n You can create your own instance of this - for example to help write tests for a plugin - like so: \n from datasette.app import Datasette\n\n# With no arguments a single in-memory database will be attached\ndatasette = Datasette()\n\n# The files= argument can load files from disk\ndatasette = Datasette(files=[\"/path/to/my-database.db\"])\n\n# Pass metadata as a JSON dictionary like this\ndatasette = Datasette(\n files=[\"/path/to/my-database.db\"],\n metadata={\n \"databases\": {\n \"my-database\": {\n \"description\": \"This is my database\"\n }\n }\n },\n) \n Constructor parameters include: \n \n \n files=[...] - a list of database files to open \n \n \n immutables=[...] - a list of database files to open in immutable mode \n \n \n metadata={...} - a dictionary of Metadata \n \n \n config_dir=... - the configuration directory to use, stored in datasette.config_dir", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:internals-database", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-database", "title": "Database class", "content": "Instances of the Database class can be used to execute queries against attached SQLite databases, and to run introspection against their schemas.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[]"} {"id": "internals:internals-csrf", "page": "internals", "ref": "internals-csrf", "title": "CSRF protection", "content": "Datasette uses asgi-csrf to guard against CSRF attacks on form POST submissions. Users receive a ds_csrftoken cookie which is compared against the csrftoken form field (or x-csrftoken HTTP header) for every incoming request. \n If your plugin implements a
anywhere you will need to include that token. You can do so with the following template snippet: \n \n If you are rendering templates using the await .render_template(template, context=None, request=None) method the csrftoken() helper will only work if you provide the request= argument to that method. If you forget to do this you will see the following error: \n form-urlencoded POST field did not match cookie \n You can selectively disable CSRF protection using the skip_csrf(datasette, scope) hook.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/asgi-csrf\", \"label\": \"asgi-csrf\"}]"}