{"id": "plugins:plugins-installed", "page": "plugins", "ref": "plugins-installed", "title": "Seeing what plugins are installed", "content": "You can see a list of installed plugins by navigating to the /-/plugins page of your Datasette instance - for example: https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/-/plugins \n You can also use the datasette plugins command: \n datasette plugins \n Which outputs: \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette_json_html\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": \"0.4.0\"\n }\n] \n [[[cog\nfrom datasette import cli\nfrom click.testing import CliRunner\nimport textwrap, json\ncog.out(\"\\n\")\nresult = CliRunner().invoke(cli.cli, [\"plugins\", \"--all\"])\n# cog.out() with text containing newlines was unindenting for some reason\ncog.outl(\"If you run ``datasette plugins --all`` it will include default plugins that ship as part of Datasette:\\n\")\ncog.outl(\".. code-block:: json\\n\")\nplugins = [p for p in json.loads(result.output) if p[\"name\"].startswith(\"datasette.\")]\nindented = textwrap.indent(json.dumps(plugins, indent=4), \" \")\nfor line in indented.split(\"\\n\"):\n cog.outl(line)\ncog.out(\"\\n\\n\") \n ]]] \n If you run datasette plugins --all it will include default plugins that ship as part of Datasette: \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.actor_auth_cookie\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"actor_from_request\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.blob_renderer\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_output_renderer\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.default_magic_parameters\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_magic_parameters\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.default_menu_links\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"menu_links\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.default_permissions\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"actor_from_request\",\n \"permission_allowed\",\n \"register_permissions\",\n \"skip_csrf\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.events\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_events\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.facets\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_facet_classes\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.filters\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"filters_from_request\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.forbidden\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"forbidden\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.handle_exception\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"handle_exception\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.publish.cloudrun\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"publish_subcommand\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.publish.heroku\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"publish_subcommand\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.sql_functions\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"prepare_connection\"\n ]\n }\n] \n [[[end]]] \n You can add the --plugins-dir= option to include any plugins found in that directory. \n Add --requirements to output a list of installed plugins that can then be installed in another Datasette instance using datasette install -r requirements.txt : \n datasette plugins --requirements \n The output will look something like this: \n datasette-codespaces==0.1.1\ndatasette-graphql==2.2\ndatasette-json-html==1.0.1\ndatasette-pretty-json==0.2.2\ndatasette-x-forwarded-host==0.1 \n To write that to a requirements.txt file, run this: \n datasette plugins --requirements > requirements.txt", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Plugins\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/-/plugins\", \"label\": \"https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/-/plugins\"}]"}