{"id": "contributing:contributing-bug-fix-branch", "page": "contributing", "ref": "contributing-bug-fix-branch", "title": "Releasing bug fixes from a branch", "content": "If it's necessary to publish a bug fix release without shipping new features that have landed on main a release branch can be used. \n Create it from the relevant last tagged release like so: \n git branch 0.52.x 0.52.4\ngit checkout 0.52.x \n Next cherry-pick the commits containing the bug fixes: \n git cherry-pick COMMIT \n Write the release notes in the branch, and update the version number in version.py . Then push the branch: \n git push -u origin 0.52.x \n Once the tests have completed, publish the release from that branch target using the GitHub Draft a new release form. \n Finally, cherry-pick the commit with the release notes and version number bump across to main : \n git checkout main\ngit cherry-pick COMMIT\ngit push", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Contributing\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/releases/new\", \"label\": \"Draft a new release\"}]"}