{"id": "deploying:apache-proxy-configuration", "page": "deploying", "ref": "apache-proxy-configuration", "title": "Apache proxy configuration", "content": "For Apache , you can use the ProxyPass directive. First make sure the following lines are uncommented: \n LoadModule proxy_module lib/httpd/modules/mod_proxy.so\nLoadModule proxy_http_module lib/httpd/modules/mod_proxy_http.so \n Then add these directives to proxy traffic: \n ProxyPass /my-datasette/\nProxyPreserveHost On \n A live demo of Datasette running behind Apache using this proxy setup can be seen at datasette-apache-proxy-demo.datasette.io/prefix/ . The code for that demo can be found in the demos/apache-proxy directory. \n Using --uds you can use Unix domain sockets similar to the nginx example: \n ProxyPass /my-datasette/ unix:/tmp/datasette.sock|http://localhost/my-datasette/ \n The ProxyPreserveHost On directive ensures that the original Host: header from the incoming request is passed through to Datasette. Datasette needs this to correctly assemble links to other pages using the .absolute_url(request, path) method.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Deploying Datasette\", \"Running Datasette behind a proxy\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://httpd.apache.org/\", \"label\": \"Apache\"}, {\"href\": \"https://datasette-apache-proxy-demo.datasette.io/prefix/\", \"label\": \"datasette-apache-proxy-demo.datasette.io/prefix/\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/tree/main/demos/apache-proxy\", \"label\": \"demos/apache-proxy\"}, {\"href\": \"https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypreservehost\", \"label\": \"ProxyPreserveHost On\"}]"}