{"id": "internals:datasette-sign", "page": "internals", "ref": "datasette-sign", "title": ".sign(value, namespace=\"default\")", "content": "value - any serializable type \n \n The value to be signed. \n \n \n \n namespace - string, optional \n \n An alternative namespace, see the itsdangerous salt documentation . \n \n \n \n Utility method for signing values, such that you can safely pass data to and from an untrusted environment. This is a wrapper around the itsdangerous library. \n This method returns a signed string, which can be decoded and verified using .unsign(value, namespace=\"default\") .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Internals for plugins\", \"Datasette class\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://itsdangerous.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/serializer/#the-salt\", \"label\": \"itsdangerous salt documentation\"}, {\"href\": \"https://itsdangerous.palletsprojects.com/\", \"label\": \"itsdangerous\"}]"}