{"id": "full_text_search:id1", "page": "full_text_search", "ref": "id1", "title": "Full-text search", "content": "SQLite includes a powerful mechanism for enabling full-text search against SQLite records. Datasette can detect if a table has had full-text search configured for it in the underlying database and display a search interface for filtering that table. \n Here's an example search : \n \n Datasette automatically detects which tables have been configured for full-text search.", "breadcrumbs": "[]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html\", \"label\": \"a powerful mechanism for enabling full-text search\"}, {\"href\": \"https://register-of-members-interests.datasettes.com/regmem/items?_search=hamper&_sort_desc=date\", \"label\": \"an example search\"}]"}