{"id": "json_api:expand-foreign-keys", "page": "json_api", "ref": "expand-foreign-keys", "title": "Expanding foreign key references", "content": "Datasette can detect foreign key relationships and resolve those references into\n labels. The HTML interface does this by default for every detected foreign key\n column - you can turn that off using ?_labels=off . \n You can request foreign keys be expanded in JSON using the _labels=on or\n _label=COLUMN special query string parameters. Here's what an expanded row\n looks like: \n [\n {\n \"rowid\": 1,\n \"TreeID\": 141565,\n \"qLegalStatus\": {\n \"value\": 1,\n \"label\": \"Permitted Site\"\n },\n \"qSpecies\": {\n \"value\": 1,\n \"label\": \"Myoporum laetum :: Myoporum\"\n },\n \"qAddress\": \"501X Baker St\",\n \"SiteOrder\": 1\n }\n] \n The column in the foreign key table that is used for the label can be specified\n in metadata.json - see Specifying the label column for a table .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"JSON API\"]", "references": "[]"}