{"id": "contributing:contributing-bug-fix-branch", "page": "contributing", "ref": "contributing-bug-fix-branch", "title": "Releasing bug fixes from a branch", "content": "If it's necessary to publish a bug fix release without shipping new features that have landed on main a release branch can be used. \n Create it from the relevant last tagged release like so: \n git branch 0.52.x 0.52.4\ngit checkout 0.52.x \n Next cherry-pick the commits containing the bug fixes: \n git cherry-pick COMMIT \n Write the release notes in the branch, and update the version number in version.py . Then push the branch: \n git push -u origin 0.52.x \n Once the tests have completed, publish the release from that branch target using the GitHub Draft a new release form. \n Finally, cherry-pick the commit with the release notes and version number bump across to main : \n git checkout main\ngit cherry-pick COMMIT\ngit push", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Contributing\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/releases/new\", \"label\": \"Draft a new release\"}]"} {"id": "contributing:contributing-continuous-deployment", "page": "contributing", "ref": "contributing-continuous-deployment", "title": "Continuously deployed demo instances", "content": "The demo instance at latest.datasette.io is re-deployed automatically to Google Cloud Run for every push to main that passes the test suite. This is implemented by the GitHub Actions workflow at .github/workflows/deploy-latest.yml . \n Specific branches can also be set to automatically deploy by adding them to the on: push: branches block at the top of the workflow YAML file. Branches configured in this way will be deployed to a new Cloud Run service whether or not their tests pass. \n The Cloud Run URL for a branch demo can be found in the GitHub Actions logs.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Contributing\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/\", \"label\": \"latest.datasette.io\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/blob/main/.github/workflows/deploy-latest.yml\", \"label\": \".github/workflows/deploy-latest.yml\"}]"} {"id": "contributing:contributing-formatting-prettier", "page": "contributing", "ref": "contributing-formatting-prettier", "title": "Prettier", "content": "To install Prettier, install Node.js and then run the following in the root of your datasette repository checkout: \n npm install \n This will install Prettier in a node_modules directory. You can then check that your code matches the coding style like so: \n npm run prettier -- --check \n > prettier\n> prettier 'datasette/static/*[!.min].js' \"--check\"\n\nChecking formatting...\n[warn] datasette/static/plugins.js\n[warn] Code style issues found in the above file(s). Forgot to run Prettier? \n You can fix any problems by running: \n npm run fix", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Contributing\", \"Code formatting\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/\", \"label\": \"install Node.js\"}]"} {"id": "contributing:contributing-formatting-blacken-docs", "page": "contributing", "ref": "contributing-formatting-blacken-docs", "title": "blacken-docs", "content": "The blacken-docs command applies Black formatting rules to code examples in the documentation. Run it like this: \n blacken-docs -l 60 docs/*.rst", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Contributing\", \"Code formatting\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://pypi.org/project/blacken-docs/\", \"label\": \"blacken-docs\"}]"} {"id": "contributing:contributing-documentation", "page": "contributing", "ref": "contributing-documentation", "title": "Editing and building the documentation", "content": "Datasette's documentation lives in the docs/ directory and is deployed automatically using Read The Docs . \n The documentation is written using reStructuredText. You may find this article on The subset of reStructuredText worth committing to memory useful. \n You can build it locally by installing sphinx and sphinx_rtd_theme in your Datasette development environment and then running make html directly in the docs/ directory: \n # You may first need to activate your virtual environment:\nsource venv/bin/activate\n\n# Install the dependencies needed to build the docs\npip install -e .[docs]\n\n# Now build the docs\ncd docs/\nmake html \n This will create the HTML version of the documentation in docs/_build/html . You can open it in your browser like so: \n open _build/html/index.html \n Any time you make changes to a .rst file you can re-run make html to update the built documents, then refresh them in your browser. \n For added productivity, you can use use sphinx-autobuild to run Sphinx in auto-build mode. This will run a local webserver serving the docs that automatically rebuilds them and refreshes the page any time you hit save in your editor. \n sphinx-autobuild will have been installed when you ran pip install -e .[docs] . In your docs/ directory you can start the server by running the following: \n make livehtml \n Now browse to http://localhost:8000/ to view the documentation. Any edits you make should be instantly reflected in your browser.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Contributing\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://readthedocs.org/\", \"label\": \"Read The Docs\"}, {\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2018/Aug/25/restructuredtext/\", \"label\": \"The subset of reStructuredText worth committing to memory\"}, {\"href\": \"https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-autobuild/\", \"label\": \"sphinx-autobuild\"}]"}