{"id": "changelog:permissions", "page": "changelog", "ref": "permissions", "title": "Permissions", "content": "Datasette also now has a built-in concept of Permissions . The permissions system answers the following question: \n \n Is this actor allowed to perform this action , optionally against this particular resource ? \n \n You can use the new \"allow\" block syntax in metadata.json (or metadata.yaml ) to set required permissions at the instance, database, table or canned query level. For example, to restrict access to the fixtures.db database to the \"root\" user: \n {\n \"databases\": {\n \"fixtures\": {\n \"allow\": {\n \"id\" \"root\"\n }\n }\n }\n} \n See Defining permissions with \"allow\" blocks for more details. \n Plugins can implement their own custom permission checks using the new permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource) hook. \n A new debug page at /-/permissions shows recent permission checks, to help administrators and plugin authors understand exactly what checks are being performed. This tool defaults to only being available to the root user, but can be exposed to other users by plugins that respond to the permissions-debug permission. ( #788 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.44 (2020-06-11)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/788\", \"label\": \"#788\"}]"}