{"id": "changelog:id82", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id82", "title": "0.29.2 (2019-07-13)", "content": "Bumped Uvicorn to 0.8.4, fixing a bug where the query string was not included in the server logs. ( #559 ) \n \n \n Fixed bug where the navigation breadcrumbs were not displayed correctly on the page for a custom query. ( #558 ) \n \n \n Fixed bug where custom query names containing unicode characters caused errors.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://www.uvicorn.org/\", \"label\": \"Uvicorn\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/559\", \"label\": \"#559\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/558\", \"label\": \"#558\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:new-configuration-settings", "page": "changelog", "ref": "new-configuration-settings", "title": "New configuration settings", "content": "Datasette's Settings now also supports boolean settings. A number of new\n configuration options have been added: \n \n \n num_sql_threads - the number of threads used to execute SQLite queries. Defaults to 3. \n \n \n allow_facet - enable or disable custom Facets using the _facet= parameter. Defaults to on. \n \n \n suggest_facets - should Datasette suggest facets? Defaults to on. \n \n \n allow_download - should users be allowed to download the entire SQLite database? Defaults to on. \n \n \n allow_sql - should users be allowed to execute custom SQL queries? Defaults to on. \n \n \n default_cache_ttl - Default HTTP caching max-age header in seconds. Defaults to 365 days - caching can be disabled entirely by settings this to 0. \n \n \n cache_size_kb - Set the amount of memory SQLite uses for its per-connection cache , in KB. \n \n \n allow_csv_stream - allow users to stream entire result sets as a single CSV file. Defaults to on. \n \n \n max_csv_mb - maximum size of a returned CSV file in MB. Defaults to 100MB, set to 0 to disable this limit.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.23 (2018-06-18)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_cache_size\", \"label\": \"per-connection cache\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:improved-support-for-spatialite", "page": "changelog", "ref": "improved-support-for-spatialite", "title": "Improved support for SpatiaLite", "content": "The SpatiaLite module \n for SQLite adds robust geospatial features to the database. \n Getting SpatiaLite working can be tricky, especially if you want to use the most\n recent alpha version (with support for K-nearest neighbor). \n Datasette now includes extensive documentation on SpatiaLite , and thanks to Ravi Kotecha our GitHub\n repo includes a Dockerfile that can build\n the latest SpatiaLite and configure it for use with Datasette. \n The datasette publish and datasette package commands now accept a new\n --spatialite argument which causes them to install and configure SpatiaLite\n as part of the container they deploy.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.23 (2018-06-18)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/index\", \"label\": \"SpatiaLite module\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/r4vi\", \"label\": \"Ravi Kotecha\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/blob/master/Dockerfile\", \"label\": \"Dockerfile\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:new-visual-design", "page": "changelog", "ref": "new-visual-design", "title": "New visual design", "content": "Datasette is no longer white and grey with blue and purple links! Natalie Downe has been working on a visual refresh, the first iteration of which is included in this release. ( #1056 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.51 (2020-10-31)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://twitter.com/natbat\", \"label\": \"Natalie Downe\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/1056\", \"label\": \"#1056\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:v1-0-a8", "page": "changelog", "ref": "v1-0-a8", "title": "1.0a8 (2024-02-07)", "content": "This alpha release continues the migration of Datasette's configuration from metadata.yaml to the new datasette.yaml configuration file, introduces a new system for JavaScript plugins and adds several new plugin hooks. \n See Datasette 1.0a8: JavaScript plugins, new plugin hooks and plugin configuration in datasette.yaml for an annotated version of these release notes.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2024/Feb/7/datasette-1a8/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 1.0a8: JavaScript plugins, new plugin hooks and plugin configuration in datasette.yaml\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id11", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id11", "title": "0.63 (2022-10-27)", "content": "See Datasette 0.63: The annotated release notes for more background on the changes in this release.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2022/Oct/27/datasette-0-63/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 0.63: The annotated release notes\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:v1-0-a2", "page": "changelog", "ref": "v1-0-a2", "title": "1.0a2 (2022-12-14)", "content": "The third Datasette 1.0 alpha release adds upsert support to the JSON API, plus the ability to specify finely grained permissions when creating an API token. \n See Datasette 1.0a2: Upserts and finely grained permissions for an extended, annotated version of these release notes. \n \n \n New /db/table/-/upsert API, documented here . upsert is an update-or-insert: existing rows will have specified keys updated, but if no row matches the incoming primary key a brand new row will be inserted instead. ( #1878 ) \n \n \n New register_permissions(datasette) plugin hook. Plugins can now register named permissions, which will then be listed in various interfaces that show available permissions. ( #1940 ) \n \n \n The /db/-/create API for creating a table now accepts \"ignore\": true and \"replace\": true options when called with the \"rows\" property that creates a new table based on an example set of rows. This means the API can be called multiple times with different rows, setting rules for what should happen if a primary key collides with an existing row. ( #1927 ) \n \n \n Arbitrary permissions can now be configured at the instance, database and resource (table, SQL view or canned query) level in Datasette's Metadata JSON and YAML files. The new \"permissions\" key can be used to specify which actors should have which permissions. See Other permissions in datasette.yaml for details. ( #1636 ) \n \n \n The /-/create-token page can now be used to create API tokens which are restricted to just a subset of actions, including against specific databases or resources. See API Tokens for details. ( #1947 ) \n \n \n Likewise, the datasette create-token CLI command can now create tokens with a subset of permissions . ( #1855 ) \n \n \n New datasette.create_token() API method for programmatically creating signed API tokens. ( #1951 ) \n \n \n /db/-/create API now requires actor to have insert-row permission in order to use the \"row\" or \"rows\" properties. ( #1937 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2022/Dec/15/datasette-1a2/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 1.0a2: Upserts and finely grained permissions\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1878\", \"label\": \"#1878\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1940\", \"label\": \"#1940\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1927\", \"label\": \"#1927\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1636\", \"label\": \"#1636\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1947\", \"label\": \"#1947\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1855\", \"label\": \"#1855\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1951\", \"label\": \"#1951\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1937\", \"label\": \"#1937\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id35", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id35", "title": "0.54 (2021-01-25)", "content": "The two big new features in this release are the _internal SQLite in-memory database storing details of all connected databases and tables, and support for JavaScript modules in plugins and additional scripts. \n For additional commentary on this release, see Datasette 0.54, the annotated release notes .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2021/Jan/25/datasette/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 0.54, the annotated release notes\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id51", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id51", "title": "0.49 (2020-09-14)", "content": "See also Datasette 0.49: The annotated release notes . \n \n \n Writable canned queries now expose a JSON API, see JSON API for writable canned queries . ( #880 ) \n \n \n New mechanism for defining page templates with custom path parameters - a template file called pages/about/{slug}.html will be used to render any requests to /about/something . See Path parameters for pages . ( #944 ) \n \n \n register_output_renderer() render functions can now return a Response . ( #953 ) \n \n \n New --upgrade option for datasette install . ( #945 ) \n \n \n New datasette --pdb option. ( #962 ) \n \n \n datasette --get exit code now reflects the internal HTTP status code. ( #947 ) \n \n \n New raise_404() template function for returning 404 errors. ( #964 ) \n \n \n datasette publish heroku now deploys using Python 3.8.5 \n \n \n Upgraded CodeMirror to 5.57.0. ( #948 ) \n \n \n Upgraded code style to Black 20.8b1. ( #958 ) \n \n \n Fixed bug where selected facets were not correctly persisted in hidden form fields on the table page. ( #963 ) \n \n \n Renamed the default error template from 500.html to error.html . \n \n \n Custom error pages are now documented, see Custom error pages . ( #965 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2020/Sep/15/datasette-0-49/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 0.49: The annotated release notes\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/880\", \"label\": \"#880\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/944\", \"label\": \"#944\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/953\", \"label\": \"#953\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/945\", \"label\": \"#945\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/962\", \"label\": \"#962\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/947\", \"label\": \"#947\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/964\", \"label\": \"#964\"}, {\"href\": \"https://codemirror.net/\", \"label\": \"CodeMirror\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/948\", \"label\": \"#948\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/958\", \"label\": \"#958\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/963\", \"label\": \"#963\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/965\", \"label\": \"#965\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id60", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id60", "title": "0.44 (2020-06-11)", "content": "See also Datasette 0.44: The annotated release notes . \n Authentication and permissions, writable canned queries, flash messages, new plugin hooks and more.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2020/Jun/12/annotated-release-notes/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 0.44: The annotated release notes\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id58", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id58", "title": "0.45 (2020-07-01)", "content": "See also Datasette 0.45: The annotated release notes . \n Magic parameters for canned queries, a log out feature, improved plugin documentation and four new plugin hooks.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2020/Jul/1/datasette-045/\", \"label\": \"Datasette 0.45: The annotated release notes\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:v0-28-databases-that-change", "page": "changelog", "ref": "v0-28-databases-that-change", "title": "Supporting databases that change", "content": "From the beginning of the project, Datasette has been designed with read-only databases in mind. If a database is guaranteed not to change it opens up all kinds of interesting opportunities - from taking advantage of SQLite immutable mode and HTTP caching to bundling static copies of the database directly in a Docker container. The interesting ideas in Datasette explores this idea in detail. \n As my goals for the project have developed, I realized that read-only databases are no longer the right default. SQLite actually supports concurrent access very well provided only one thread attempts to write to a database at a time, and I keep encountering sensible use-cases for running Datasette on top of a database that is processing inserts and updates. \n So, as-of version 0.28 Datasette no longer assumes that a database file will not change. It is now safe to point Datasette at a SQLite database which is being updated by another process. \n Making this change was a lot of work - see tracking tickets #418 , #419 and #420 . It required new thinking around how Datasette should calculate table counts (an expensive operation against a large, changing database) and also meant reconsidering the \"content hash\" URLs Datasette has used in the past to optimize the performance of HTTP caches. \n Datasette can still run against immutable files and gains numerous performance benefits from doing so, but this is no longer the default behaviour. Take a look at the new Performance and caching documentation section for details on how to make the most of Datasette against data that you know will be staying read-only and immutable.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.28 (2019-05-19)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2018/Oct/4/datasette-ideas/\", \"label\": \"The interesting ideas in Datasette\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/418\", \"label\": \"#418\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/419\", \"label\": \"#419\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/420\", \"label\": \"#420\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id118", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id118", "title": "0.22 (2018-05-20)", "content": "The big new feature in this release is Facets . Datasette can now apply faceted browse to any column in any table. It will also suggest possible facets. See the Datasette Facets announcement post for more details. \n In addition to the work on facets: \n \n \n Added docs for introspection endpoints \n \n \n New --config option, added --help-config , closes #274 \n Removed the --page_size= argument to datasette serve in favour of: \n datasette serve --config default_page_size:50 mydb.db \n Added new help section: \n datasette --help-config \n Config options:\n default_page_size Default page size for the table view\n (default=100)\n max_returned_rows Maximum rows that can be returned from a table\n or custom query (default=1000)\n sql_time_limit_ms Time limit for a SQL query in milliseconds\n (default=1000)\n default_facet_size Number of values to return for requested facets\n (default=30)\n facet_time_limit_ms Time limit for calculating a requested facet\n (default=200)\n facet_suggest_time_limit_ms Time limit for calculating a suggested facet\n (default=50) \n \n \n Only apply responsive table styles to .rows-and-column \n Otherwise they interfere with tables in the description, e.g. on\n https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/fivethirtyeight/nba-elo%2Fnbaallelo \n \n \n Refactored views into new views/ modules, refs #256 \n \n \n Documentation for SQLite full-text search support, closes #253 \n \n \n /-/versions now includes SQLite fts_versions , closes #252", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2018/May/20/datasette-facets/\", \"label\": \"Datasette Facets\"}, {\"href\": \"https://docs.datasette.io/en/stable/introspection.html\", \"label\": \"docs for introspection endpoints\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/274\", \"label\": \"#274\"}, {\"href\": \"https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/fivethirtyeight/nba-elo%2Fnbaallelo\", \"label\": \"https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/fivethirtyeight/nba-elo%2Fnbaallelo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/256\", \"label\": \"#256\"}, {\"href\": \"https://docs.datasette.io/en/stable/full_text_search.html\", \"label\": \"Documentation for SQLite full-text search\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/253\", \"label\": \"#253\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/252\", \"label\": \"#252\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id14", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id14", "title": "Features", "content": "Datasette is now compatible with Pyodide . This is the enabling technology behind Datasette Lite . ( #1733 ) \n \n \n Database file downloads now implement conditional GET using ETags. ( #1739 ) \n \n \n HTML for facet results and suggested results has been extracted out into new templates _facet_results.html and _suggested_facets.html . Thanks, M. Nasimul Haque. ( #1759 ) \n \n \n Datasette now runs some SQL queries in parallel. This has limited impact on performance, see this research issue for details. \n \n \n New --nolock option for ignoring file locks when opening read-only databases. ( #1744 ) \n \n \n Spaces in the database names in URLs are now encoded as + rather than ~20 . ( #1701 ) \n \n \n is now displayed as and is accompanied by tooltip showing \"2.3MB\". ( #1712 ) \n \n \n The base Docker image used by datasette publish cloudrun , datasette package and the official Datasette image has been upgraded to 3.10.6-slim-bullseye . ( #1768 ) \n \n \n Canned writable queries against immutable databases now show a warning message. ( #1728 ) \n \n \n datasette publish cloudrun has a new --timeout option which can be used to increase the time limit applied by the Google Cloud build environment. Thanks, Tim Sherratt. ( #1717 ) \n \n \n datasette publish cloudrun has new --min-instances and --max-instances options. ( #1779 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.62 (2022-08-14)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://pyodide.org/\", \"label\": \"Pyodide\"}, {\"href\": \"https://lite.datasette.io/\", \"label\": \"Datasette Lite\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1733\", \"label\": \"#1733\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1739\", \"label\": \"#1739\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/1759\", \"label\": \"#1759\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1727\", \"label\": \"this research issue\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1744\", \"label\": \"#1744\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1701\", \"label\": \"#1701\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1712\", \"label\": \"#1712\"}, {\"href\": \"https://hub.docker.com/datasetteproject/datasette\", \"label\": \"official Datasette image\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1768\", \"label\": \"#1768\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1728\", \"label\": \"#1728\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/1717\", \"label\": \"#1717\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1779\", \"label\": \"#1779\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id30", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id30", "title": "0.57 (2021-06-05)", "content": "This release fixes a reflected cross-site scripting security hole with the ?_trace=1 feature. You should upgrade to this version, or to Datasette 0.56.1, as soon as possible. ( #1360 ) \n \n In addition to the security fix, this release includes ?_col= and ?_nocol= options for controlling which columns are displayed for a table, ?_facet_size= for increasing the number of facet results returned, re-display of your SQL query should an error occur and numerous bug fixes.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/#reflected-xss-attacks\", \"label\": \"reflected cross-site scripting\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1360\", \"label\": \"#1360\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id31", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id31", "title": "0.56.1 (2021-06-05)", "content": "This release fixes a reflected cross-site scripting security hole with the ?_trace=1 feature. You should upgrade to this version, or to Datasette 0.57, as soon as possible. ( #1360 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/#reflected-xss-attacks\", \"label\": \"reflected cross-site scripting\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1360\", \"label\": \"#1360\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id13", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id13", "title": "0.62 (2022-08-14)", "content": "Datasette can now run entirely in your browser using WebAssembly. Try out Datasette Lite , take a look at the code or read more about it in Datasette Lite: a server-side Python web application running in a browser . \n Datasette now has a Discord community for questions and discussions about Datasette and its ecosystem of projects.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://lite.datasette.io/\", \"label\": \"Datasette Lite\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-lite\", \"label\": \"at the code\"}, {\"href\": \"https://simonwillison.net/2022/May/4/datasette-lite/\", \"label\": \"Datasette Lite: a server-side Python web application running in a browser\"}, {\"href\": \"https://datasette.io/discord\", \"label\": \"Discord community\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:through-for-joins-through-many-to-many-tables", "page": "changelog", "ref": "through-for-joins-through-many-to-many-tables", "title": "?_through= for joins through many-to-many tables", "content": "The new ?_through={json} argument to the Table view allows records to be filtered based on a many-to-many relationship. See Special table arguments for full documentation - here's an example . ( #355 ) \n This feature was added to help support facet by many-to-many , which isn't quite ready yet but will be coming in the next Datasette release.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.29 (2019-07-07)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/roadside_attractions?_through={%22table%22:%22roadside_attraction_characteristics%22,%22column%22:%22characteristic_id%22,%22value%22:%221%22}\", \"label\": \"an example\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/355\", \"label\": \"#355\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/551\", \"label\": \"facet by many-to-many\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:writable-canned-queries", "page": "changelog", "ref": "writable-canned-queries", "title": "Writable canned queries", "content": "Datasette's Canned queries feature lets you define SQL queries in metadata.json which can then be executed by users visiting a specific URL. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/neighborhood_search for example. \n Canned queries were previously restricted to SELECT , but Datasette 0.44 introduces the ability for canned queries to execute INSERT or UPDATE queries as well, using the new \"write\": true property ( #800 ): \n {\n \"databases\": {\n \"dogs\": {\n \"queries\": {\n \"add_name\": {\n \"sql\": \"INSERT INTO names (name) VALUES (:name)\",\n \"write\": true\n }\n }\n }\n }\n} \n See Writable canned queries for more details.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.44 (2020-06-11)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/neighborhood_search\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/neighborhood_search\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/800\", \"label\": \"#800\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:miscellaneous", "page": "changelog", "ref": "miscellaneous", "title": "Miscellaneous", "content": "Got JSON data in one of your columns? Use the new ?_json=COLNAME argument\n to tell Datasette to return that JSON value directly rather than encoding it\n as a string. \n \n \n If you just want an array of the first value of each row, use the new\n ?_shape=arrayfirst option - example .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.23 (2018-06-18)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.json?sql=select+neighborhood+from+facetable+order+by+pk+limit+101&_shape=arrayfirst\", \"label\": \"example\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:latest-datasette-io", "page": "changelog", "ref": "latest-datasette-io", "title": "latest.datasette.io", "content": "Every commit to Datasette master is now automatically deployed by Travis CI to\n https://latest.datasette.io/ - ensuring there is always a live demo of the\n latest version of the software. \n The demo uses the fixtures from our\n unit tests, ensuring it demonstrates the same range of functionality that is\n covered by the tests. \n You can see how the deployment mechanism works in our .travis.yml file.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.23 (2018-06-18)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/\", \"label\": \"https://latest.datasette.io/\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/blob/master/tests/fixtures.py\", \"label\": \"the fixtures\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/blob/master/.travis.yml\", \"label\": \".travis.yml\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id74", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id74", "title": "0.32 (2019-11-14)", "content": "Datasette now renders templates using Jinja async mode . This means plugins can provide custom template functions that perform asynchronous actions, for example the new datasette-template-sql plugin which allows custom templates to directly execute SQL queries and render their results. ( #628 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.10.x/api/#async-support\", \"label\": \"Jinja async mode\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-template-sql\", \"label\": \"datasette-template-sql\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/628\", \"label\": \"#628\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id71", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id71", "title": "0.35 (2020-02-04)", "content": "Added five new plugins and one new conversion tool to the The Datasette Ecosystem . \n \n \n The Datasette class has a new render_template() method which can be used by plugins to render templates using Datasette's pre-configured Jinja templating library. \n \n \n You can now execute SQL queries that start with a -- comment - thanks, Jay Graves ( #653 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/\", \"label\": \"Jinja\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/653\", \"label\": \"#653\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id54", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id54", "title": "0.47.2 (2020-08-12)", "content": "Fixed an issue with the Docker image published to Docker Hub . ( #931 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://hub.docker.com/r/datasetteproject/datasette\", \"label\": \"published to Docker Hub\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/931\", \"label\": \"#931\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id67", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id67", "title": "0.38 (2020-03-08)", "content": "The Docker build of Datasette now uses SQLite 3.31.1, upgraded from 3.26. ( #695 ) \n \n \n datasette publish cloudrun now accepts an optional --memory=2Gi flag for setting the Cloud Run allocated memory to a value other than the default (256Mi). ( #694 ) \n \n \n Fixed bug where templates that shipped with plugins were sometimes not being correctly loaded. ( #697 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://hub.docker.com/r/datasetteproject/datasette\", \"label\": \"Docker build\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/695\", \"label\": \"#695\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/694\", \"label\": \"#694\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/697\", \"label\": \"#697\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id115", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id115", "title": "0.22.1 (2018-05-23)", "content": "Bugfix release, plus we now use versioneer for our version numbers. \n \n \n Faceting no longer breaks pagination, fixes #282 \n \n \n Add __version_info__ derived from __version__ [Robert Gieseke] \n This might be tuple of more than two values (major and minor\n version) if commits have been made after a release. \n \n \n Add version number support with Versioneer. [Robert Gieseke] \n Versioneer Licence:\n Public Domain (CC0-1.0) \n Closes #273 \n \n \n Refactor inspect logic [Russ Garrett]", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer\", \"label\": \"versioneer\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/282\", \"label\": \"#282\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/273\", \"label\": \"#273\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id76", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id76", "title": "0.31.1 (2019-11-12)", "content": "Deployments created using datasette publish now use python:3.8 base Docker image ( #629 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/629\", \"label\": \"#629\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id77", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id77", "title": "0.31 (2019-11-11)", "content": "This version adds compatibility with Python 3.8 and breaks compatibility with Python 3.5. \n If you are still running Python 3.5 you should stick with 0.30.2 , which you can install like this: \n pip install datasette==0.30.2 \n \n \n Format SQL button now works with read-only SQL queries - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #602 ) \n \n \n New ?column__notin=x,y,z filter for table views ( #614 ) \n \n \n Table view now uses select col1, col2, col3 instead of select * \n \n \n Database filenames can now contain spaces - thanks, Tobias Kunze ( #590 ) \n \n \n Removed obsolete ?_group_count=col feature ( #504 ) \n \n \n Improved user interface and documentation for datasette publish cloudrun ( #608 ) \n \n \n Tables with indexes now show the CREATE INDEX statements on the table page ( #618 ) \n \n \n Current version of uvicorn is now shown on /-/versions \n \n \n Python 3.8 is now supported! ( #622 ) \n \n \n Python 3.5 is no longer supported.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/602\", \"label\": \"#602\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/614\", \"label\": \"#614\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/590\", \"label\": \"#590\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/504\", \"label\": \"#504\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/608\", \"label\": \"#608\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/618\", \"label\": \"#618\"}, {\"href\": \"https://www.uvicorn.org/\", \"label\": \"uvicorn\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/622\", \"label\": \"#622\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:v0-28-register-output-renderer", "page": "changelog", "ref": "v0-28-register-output-renderer", "title": "register_output_renderer plugins", "content": "Russ Garrett implemented a new Datasette plugin hook called register_output_renderer ( #441 ) which allows plugins to create additional output renderers in addition to Datasette's default .json and .csv . \n Russ's in-development datasette-geo plugin includes an example of this hook being used to output .geojson automatically converted from SpatiaLite.", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.28 (2019-05-19)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/441\", \"label\": \"#441\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/russss/datasette-geo\", \"label\": \"datasette-geo\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/russss/datasette-geo/blob/d4cecc020848bbde91e9e17bf352f7c70bc3dccf/datasette_plugin_geo/geojson.py\", \"label\": \"an example\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:the-road-to-datasette-1-0", "page": "changelog", "ref": "the-road-to-datasette-1-0", "title": "The road to Datasette 1.0", "content": "I've assembled a milestone for Datasette 1.0 . The focus of the 1.0 release will be the following: \n \n \n Signify confidence in the quality/stability of Datasette \n \n \n Give plugin authors confidence that their plugins will work for the whole 1.x release cycle \n \n \n Provide the same confidence to developers building against Datasette JSON APIs \n \n \n If you have thoughts about what you would like to see for Datasette 1.0 you can join the conversation on issue #519 .", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.44 (2020-06-11)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/milestone/7\", \"label\": \"milestone for Datasette 1.0\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/519\", \"label\": \"the conversation on issue #519\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id46", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id46", "title": "Smaller changes", "content": "Wide tables shown within Datasette now scroll horizontally ( #998 ). This is achieved using a new
element which may impact the implementation of some plugins (for example this change to datasette-cluster-map ). \n \n \n New debug-menu permission. ( #1068 ) \n \n \n Removed --debug option, which didn't do anything. ( #814 ) \n \n \n Link: HTTP header pagination. ( #1014 ) \n \n \n x button for clearing filters. ( #1016 ) \n \n \n Edit SQL button on canned queries, ( #1019 ) \n \n \n --load-extension=spatialite shortcut. ( #1028 ) \n \n \n scale-in animation for column action menu. ( #1039 ) \n \n \n Option to pass a list of templates to .render_template() is now documented. ( #1045 ) \n \n \n New datasette.urls.static_plugins() method. ( #1033 ) \n \n \n datasette -o option now opens the most relevant page. ( #976 ) \n \n \n datasette --cors option now enables access to /database.db downloads. ( #1057 ) \n \n \n Database file downloads now implement cascading permissions, so you can download a database if you have view-database-download permission even if you do not have permission to access the Datasette instance. ( #1058 ) \n \n \n New documentation on Designing URLs for your plugin . ( #1053 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.51 (2020-10-31)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/998\", \"label\": \"#998\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-cluster-map/commit/fcb4abbe7df9071c5ab57defd39147de7145b34e\", \"label\": \"this change to datasette-cluster-map\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1068\", \"label\": \"#1068\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/814\", \"label\": \"#814\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1014\", \"label\": \"#1014\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1016\", \"label\": \"#1016\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1019\", \"label\": \"#1019\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1028\", \"label\": \"#1028\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1039\", \"label\": \"#1039\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1045\", \"label\": \"#1045\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1033\", \"label\": \"#1033\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/976\", \"label\": \"#976\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1057\", \"label\": \"#1057\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1058\", \"label\": \"#1058\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1053\", \"label\": \"#1053\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id43", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id43", "title": "0.52 (2020-11-28)", "content": "This release includes a number of changes relating to an internal rebranding effort: Datasette's configuration mechanism (things like datasette --config default_page_size:10 ) has been renamed to settings . \n \n \n New --setting default_page_size 10 option as a replacement for --config default_page_size:10 (note the lack of a colon). The --config option is deprecated but will continue working until Datasette 1.0. ( #992 ) \n \n \n The /-/config introspection page is now /-/settings , and the previous page redirects to the new one. ( #1103 ) \n \n \n The config.json file in Configuration directory mode is now called settings.json . ( #1104 ) \n \n \n The undocumented datasette.config() internal method has been replaced by a documented .setting(key) method. ( #1107 ) \n \n \n Also in this release: \n \n \n New plugin hook: database_actions(datasette, actor, database, request) , which adds menu items to a new cog menu shown at the top of the database page. ( #1077 ) \n \n \n datasette publish cloudrun has a new --apt-get-install option that can be used to install additional Ubuntu packages as part of the deployment. This is useful for deploying the new datasette-ripgrep plugin . ( #1110 ) \n \n \n Swept the documentation to remove words that minimize involved difficulty. ( #1089 ) \n \n \n And some bug fixes: \n \n \n Foreign keys linking to rows with blank label columns now display as a hyphen, allowing those links to be clicked. ( #1086 ) \n \n \n Fixed bug where row pages could sometimes 500 if the underlying queries exceeded a time limit. ( #1088 ) \n \n \n Fixed a bug where the table action menu could appear partially obscured by the edge of the page. ( #1084 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/992\", \"label\": \"#992\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1103\", \"label\": \"#1103\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1104\", \"label\": \"#1104\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1107\", \"label\": \"#1107\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1077\", \"label\": \"#1077\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette-ripgrep\", \"label\": \"datasette-ripgrep plugin\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1110\", \"label\": \"#1110\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1089\", \"label\": \"#1089\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1086\", \"label\": \"#1086\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1088\", \"label\": \"#1088\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1084\", \"label\": \"#1084\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id50", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id50", "title": "0.49.1 (2020-09-15)", "content": "Fixed a bug with writable canned queries that use magic parameters but accept no non-magic arguments. ( #967 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/967\", \"label\": \"#967\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id26", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id26", "title": "0.59 (2021-10-14)", "content": "Columns can now have associated metadata descriptions in metadata.json , see Column descriptions . ( #942 ) \n \n \n New register_commands() plugin hook allows plugins to register additional Datasette CLI commands, e.g. datasette mycommand file.db . ( #1449 ) \n \n \n Adding ?_facet_size=max to a table page now shows the number of unique values in each facet. ( #1423 ) \n \n \n Upgraded dependency httpx 0.20 - the undocumented allow_redirects= parameter to datasette.client is now follow_redirects= , and defaults to False where it previously defaulted to True . ( #1488 ) \n \n \n The --cors option now causes Datasette to return the Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization header, in addition to Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * . ( #1467 ) \n \n \n Code that figures out which named parameters a SQL query takes in order to display form fields for them is no longer confused by strings that contain colon characters. ( #1421 ) \n \n \n Renamed --help-config option to --help-settings . ( #1431 ) \n \n \n datasette.databases property is now a documented API. ( #1443 ) \n \n \n The base.html template now wraps everything other than the