{"id": "changelog:code-formatting-with-black-and-prettier", "page": "changelog", "ref": "code-formatting-with-black-and-prettier", "title": "Code formatting with Black and Prettier", "content": "Datasette adopted Black for opinionated Python code formatting in June 2019. Datasette now also embraces Prettier for JavaScript formatting, which like Black is enforced by tests in continuous integration. Instructions for using these two tools can be found in the new section on Code formatting in the contributors documentation. ( #1167 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.54 (2021-01-25)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/psf/black\", \"label\": \"Black\"}, {\"href\": \"https://prettier.io/\", \"label\": \"Prettier\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1167\", \"label\": \"#1167\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:id36", "page": "changelog", "ref": "id36", "title": "Other changes", "content": "Datasette can now open multiple database files with the same name, e.g. if you run datasette path/to/one.db path/to/other/one.db . ( #509 ) \n \n \n datasette publish cloudrun now sets force_https_urls for every deployment, fixing some incorrect http:// links. ( #1178 ) \n \n \n Fixed a bug in the example nginx configuration in Running Datasette behind a proxy . ( #1091 ) \n \n \n The Datasette Ecosystem documentation page has been reduced in size in favour of the datasette.io tools and plugins directories. ( #1182 ) \n \n \n The request object now provides a request.full_path property, which returns the path including any query string. ( #1184 ) \n \n \n Better error message for disallowed PRAGMA clauses in SQL queries. ( #1185 ) \n \n \n datasette publish heroku now deploys using python-3.8.7 . \n \n \n New plugin testing documentation on Testing outbound HTTP calls with pytest-httpx . ( #1198 ) \n \n \n All ?_* query string parameters passed to the table page are now persisted in hidden form fields, so parameters such as ?_size=10 will be correctly passed to the next page when query filters are changed. ( #1194 ) \n \n \n Fixed a bug loading a database file called test-database (1).sqlite . ( #1181 )", "breadcrumbs": "[\"Changelog\", \"0.54 (2021-01-25)\"]", "references": "[{\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/509\", \"label\": \"#509\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1178\", \"label\": \"#1178\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1091\", \"label\": \"#1091\"}, {\"href\": \"https://datasette.io/tools\", \"label\": \"tools\"}, {\"href\": \"https://datasette.io/plugins\", \"label\": \"plugins\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1182\", \"label\": \"#1182\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1184\", \"label\": \"#1184\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1185\", \"label\": \"#1185\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1198\", \"label\": \"#1198\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1194\", \"label\": \"#1194\"}, {\"href\": \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1181\", \"label\": \"#1181\"}]"} {"id": "changelog:javascript-modules", "page": "changelog", "ref": "javascript-modules", "title": "JavaScript modules", "content": "JavaScript modules were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and provide native browser support for the import and export keywords. \n To use modules, JavaScript needs to be included in