{"rowid": 250, "title": ".sign(value, namespace=\"default\")", "content": "value - any serializable type \n \n The value to be signed. \n \n \n \n namespace - string, optional \n \n An alternative namespace, see the itsdangerous salt documentation . \n \n \n \n Utility method for signing values, such that you can safely pass data to and from an untrusted environment. This is a wrapper around the itsdangerous library. \n This method returns a signed string, which can be decoded and verified using .unsign(value, namespace=\"default\") .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 237, "title": "await .render_template(template, context=None, request=None)", "content": "template - string, list of strings or jinja2.Template \n \n The template file to be rendered, e.g. my_plugin.html . Datasette will search for this file first in the --template-dir= location, if it was specified - then in the plugin's bundled templates and finally in Datasette's set of default templates. \n If this is a list of template file names then the first one that exists will be loaded and rendered. \n If this is a Jinja Template object it will be used directly. \n \n \n \n context - None or a Python dictionary \n \n The context variables to pass to the template. \n \n \n \n request - request object or None \n \n If you pass a Datasette request object here it will be made available to the template. \n \n \n \n Renders a Jinja template using Datasette's preconfigured instance of Jinja and returns the resulting string. The template will have access to Datasette's default template functions and any functions that have been made available by other plugins.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 292, "title": "sqlite-utils", "content": "sqlite-utils is a key building block for the wider Datasette ecosystem. It provides a collection of utilities for manipulating SQLite databases, both as a Python library and a command-line utility. Features include: \n \n \n Insert data into a SQLite database from JSON, CSV or TSV, automatically creating tables with the correct schema or altering existing tables to add missing columns. \n \n \n Configure tables for use with SQLite full-text search, including creating triggers needed to keep the search index up-to-date. \n \n \n Modify tables in ways that are not supported by SQLite's default ALTER TABLE syntax - for example changing the types of columns or selecting a new primary key for a table. \n \n \n Adding foreign keys to existing database tables. \n \n \n Extracting columns of data into a separate lookup table.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 10, "title": "Configuring FTS using sqlite-utils", "content": "sqlite-utils is a CLI utility and Python library for manipulating SQLite databases. You can use it from Python code to configure FTS search, or you can achieve the same goal using the accompanying command-line tool . \n Here's how to use sqlite-utils to enable full-text search for an items table across the name and description columns: \n sqlite-utils enable-fts mydatabase.db items name description", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 251, "title": ".unsign(value, namespace=\"default\")", "content": "signed - any serializable type \n \n The signed string that was created using .sign(value, namespace=\"default\") . \n \n \n \n namespace - string, optional \n \n The alternative namespace, if one was used. \n \n \n \n Returns the original, decoded object that was passed to .sign(value, namespace=\"default\") . If the signature is not valid this raises a itsdangerous.BadSignature exception.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 422, "title": "0.33 (2019-12-22)", "content": "rowid is now included in dropdown menus for filtering tables ( #636 ) \n \n \n Columns are now only suggested for faceting if they have at least one value with more than one record ( #638 ) \n \n \n Queries with no results now display \"0 results\" ( #637 ) \n \n \n Improved documentation for the --static option ( #641 ) \n \n \n asyncio task information is now included on the /-/threads debug page \n \n \n Bumped Uvicorn dependency 0.11 \n \n \n You can now use --port 0 to listen on an available port \n \n \n New template_debug setting for debugging templates, e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures/roadside_attractions?_context=1 ( #654 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 229, "title": "The MultiParams class", "content": "request.args is a MultiParams object - a dictionary-like object which provides access to query string parameters that may have multiple values. \n Consider the query string ?foo=1&foo=2&bar=3 - with two values for foo and one value for bar . \n \n \n request.args[key] - string \n \n Returns the first value for that key, or raises a KeyError if the key is missing. For the above example request.args[\"foo\"] would return \"1\" . \n \n \n \n request.args.get(key) - string or None \n \n Returns the first value for that key, or None if the key is missing. Pass a second argument to specify a different default, e.g. q = request.args.get(\"q\", \"\") . \n \n \n \n request.args.getlist(key) - list of strings \n \n Returns the list of strings for that key. request.args.getlist(\"foo\") would return [\"1\", \"2\"] in the above example. request.args.getlist(\"bar\") would return [\"3\"] . If the key is missing an empty list will be returned. \n \n \n \n request.args.keys() - list of strings \n \n Returns the list of available keys - for the example this would be [\"foo\", \"bar\"] . \n \n \n \n key in request.args - True or False \n \n You can use if key in request.args to check if a key is present. \n \n \n \n for key in request.args - iterator \n \n This lets you loop through every available key. \n \n \n \n len(request.args) - integer \n \n Returns the number of keys.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 253, "title": ".absolute_url(request, path)", "content": "request - Request \n \n The current Request object \n \n \n \n path - string \n \n A path, for example /dbname/table.json \n \n \n \n Returns the absolute URL for the given path, including the protocol and host. For example: \n absolute_url = datasette.absolute_url(\n request, \"/dbname/table.json\"\n)\n# Would return \"http://localhost:8001/dbname/table.json\" \n The current request object is used to determine the hostname and protocol that should be used for the returned URL. The force_https_urls configuration setting is taken into account.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 252, "title": ".add_message(request, message, type=datasette.INFO)", "content": "request - Request \n \n The current Request object \n \n \n \n message - string \n \n The message string \n \n \n \n type - constant, optional \n \n The message type - datasette.INFO , datasette.WARNING or datasette.ERROR \n \n \n \n Datasette's flash messaging mechanism allows you to add a message that will be displayed to the user on the next page that they visit. Messages are persisted in a ds_messages cookie. This method adds a message to that cookie. \n You can try out these messages (including the different visual styling of the three message types) using the /-/messages debugging tool.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 257, "title": ".resolve_row(request)", "content": "request - Request object \n \n A request object \n \n \n \n This method assumes your route declares named groups for database , table and pks . \n It returns a ResolvedRow named tuple instance with the following fields: \n \n \n db - Database \n \n The database object \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table \n \n \n \n sql - string \n \n SQL snippet that can be used in a WHERE clause to select the row \n \n \n \n params - dict \n \n Parameters that should be passed to the SQL query \n \n \n \n pks - list \n \n List of primary key column names \n \n \n \n pk_values - list \n \n List of primary key values decoded from the URL \n \n \n \n row - sqlite3.Row \n \n The row itself \n \n \n \n If the database or table cannot be found it raises a datasette.utils.asgi.DatabaseNotFound exception. \n If the table does not exist it raises a datasette.utils.asgi.TableNotFound exception. \n If the row cannot be found it raises a datasette.utils.asgi.RowNotFound exception. This has .database_name , .table and .pk_values attributes, extracted from the request path.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 256, "title": ".resolve_table(request)", "content": "request - Request object \n \n A request object \n \n \n \n This assumes that the regular expression for your route declares both a database and a table named group. \n It returns a ResolvedTable named tuple instance with the following fields: \n \n \n db - Database \n \n The database object \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table (or view) \n \n \n \n is_view - boolean \n \n True if this is a view, False if it is a table \n \n \n \n If the database or table cannot be found it raises a datasette.utils.asgi.DatabaseNotFound exception. \n If the table does not exist it raises a datasette.utils.asgi.TableNotFound exception - a subclass of datasette.utils.asgi.NotFound with .database_name and .table attributes.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 255, "title": ".resolve_database(request)", "content": "request - Request object \n \n A request object \n \n \n \n If you are implementing your own custom views, you may need to resolve the database that the user is requesting based on a URL path. If the regular expression for your route declares a database named group, you can use this method to resolve the database object. \n This returns a Database instance. \n If the database cannot be found, it raises a datasette.utils.asgi.DatabaseNotFound exception - which is a subclass of datasette.utils.asgi.NotFound with a .database_name attribute set to the name of the database that was requested.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 99, "title": "filters_from_request(request, database, table, datasette)", "content": "request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table. \n \n \n \n datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n This hook runs on the table page, and can influence the where clause of the SQL query used to populate that page, based on query string arguments on the incoming request. \n The hook should return an instance of datasette.filters.FilterArguments which has one required and three optional arguments: \n return FilterArguments(\n where_clauses=[\"id > :max_id\"],\n params={\"max_id\": 5},\n human_descriptions=[\"max_id is greater than 5\"],\n extra_context={},\n) \n The arguments to the FilterArguments class constructor are as follows: \n \n \n where_clauses - list of strings, required \n \n A list of SQL fragments that will be inserted into the SQL query, joined by the and operator. These can include :named parameters which will be populated using data in params . \n \n \n \n params - dictionary, optional \n \n Additional keyword arguments to be used when the query is executed. These should match any :arguments in the where clauses. \n \n \n \n human_descriptions - list of strings, optional \n \n These strings will be included in the human-readable description at the top of the page and the page . \n \n \n \n extra_context - dictionary, optional \n \n Additional context variables that should be made available to the table.html template when it is rendered. \n \n \n \n This example plugin causes 0 results to be returned if ?_nothing=1 is added to the URL: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom datasette.filters import FilterArguments\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef filters_from_request(self, request):\n if request.args.get(\"_nothing\"):\n return FilterArguments(\n [\"1 = 0\"], human_descriptions=[\"NOTHING\"]\n ) \n Example: datasette-leaflet-freedraw", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 398, "title": "New plugin hooks", "content": "register_magic_parameters(datasette) can be used to define new types of magic canned query parameters. \n \n \n startup(datasette) can run custom code when Datasette first starts up. datasette-init is a new plugin that uses this hook to create database tables and views on startup if they have not yet been created. ( #834 ) \n \n \n canned_queries(datasette, database, actor) lets plugins provide additional canned queries beyond those defined in Datasette's metadata. See datasette-saved-queries for an example of this hook in action. ( #852 ) \n \n \n forbidden(datasette, request, message) is a hook for customizing how Datasette responds to 403 forbidden errors. ( #812 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 86, "title": "publish_subcommand(publish)", "content": "publish - Click publish command group \n \n The Click command group for the datasette publish subcommand \n \n \n \n This hook allows you to create new providers for the datasette publish \n command. Datasette uses this hook internally to implement the default cloudrun \n and heroku subcommands, so you can read\n their source \n to see examples of this hook in action. \n Let's say you want to build a plugin that adds a datasette publish my_hosting_provider --api_key=xxx mydatabase.db publish command. Your implementation would start like this: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom datasette.publish.common import (\n add_common_publish_arguments_and_options,\n)\nimport click\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef publish_subcommand(publish):\n @publish.command()\n @add_common_publish_arguments_and_options\n @click.option(\n \"-k\",\n \"--api_key\",\n help=\"API key for talking to my hosting provider\",\n )\n def my_hosting_provider(\n files,\n metadata,\n extra_options,\n branch,\n template_dir,\n plugins_dir,\n static,\n install,\n plugin_secret,\n version_note,\n secret,\n title,\n license,\n license_url,\n source,\n source_url,\n about,\n about_url,\n api_key,\n ): ... \n Examples: datasette-publish-fly , datasette-publish-vercel", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 236, "title": ".plugin_config(plugin_name, database=None, table=None)", "content": "plugin_name - string \n \n The name of the plugin to look up configuration for. Usually this is something similar to datasette-cluster-map . \n \n \n \n database - None or string \n \n The database the user is interacting with. \n \n \n \n table - None or string \n \n The table the user is interacting with. \n \n \n \n This method lets you read plugin configuration values that were set in datasette.yaml . See Writing plugins that accept configuration for full details of how this method should be used. \n The return value will be the value from the configuration file - usually a dictionary. \n If the plugin is not configured the return value will be None .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 33, "title": "Using pipx", "content": "pipx is a tool for installing Python software with all of its dependencies in an isolated environment, to ensure that they will not conflict with any other installed Python software. \n If you use Homebrew on macOS you can install pipx like this: \n brew install pipx\npipx ensurepath \n Without Homebrew you can install it like so: \n python3 -m pip install --user pipx\npython3 -m pipx ensurepath \n The pipx ensurepath command configures your shell to ensure it can find commands that have been installed by pipx - generally by making sure ~/.local/bin has been added to your PATH . \n Once pipx is installed you can use it to install Datasette like this: \n pipx install datasette \n Then run datasette --version to confirm that it has been successfully installed.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 243, "title": ".get_permission(name_or_abbr)", "content": "name_or_abbr - string \n \n The name or abbreviation of the permission to look up, e.g. view-table or vt . \n \n \n \n Returns a Permission object representing the permission, or raises a KeyError if one is not found.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 244, "title": ".get_database(name)", "content": "name - string, optional \n \n The name of the database - optional. \n \n \n \n Returns the specified database object. Raises a KeyError if the database does not exist. Call this method without an argument to return the first connected database.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 248, "title": ".remove_database(name)", "content": "name - string \n \n The name of the database to be removed. \n \n \n \n This removes a database that has been previously added. name= is the unique name of that database.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 128, "title": "General guidelines", "content": "main should always be releasable . Incomplete features should live in branches. This ensures that any small bug fixes can be quickly released. \n \n \n The ideal commit should bundle together the implementation, unit tests and associated documentation updates. The commit message should link to an associated issue. \n \n \n New plugin hooks should only be shipped if accompanied by a separate release of a non-demo plugin that uses them.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 254, "title": ".setting(key)", "content": "key - string \n \n The name of the setting, e.g. base_url . \n \n \n \n Returns the configured value for the specified setting . This can be a string, boolean or integer depending on the requested setting. \n For example: \n downloads_are_allowed = datasette.setting(\"allow_download\")", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 249, "title": "await .track_event(event)", "content": "event - Event \n \n An instance of a subclass of datasette.events.Event . \n \n \n \n Plugins can call this to track events, using classes they have previously registered. See Event tracking for details. \n The event will then be passed to all plugins that have registered to receive events using the track_event(datasette, event) hook. \n Example usage, assuming the plugin has previously registered the BanUserEvent class: \n await datasette.track_event(\n BanUserEvent(user={\"id\": 1, \"username\": \"cleverbot\"})\n)", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 80, "title": "prepare_jinja2_environment(env, datasette)", "content": "env - jinja2 Environment \n \n The template environment that is being prepared \n \n \n \n datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) \n \n \n \n This hook is called with the Jinja2 environment that is used to evaluate\n Datasette HTML templates. You can use it to do things like register custom\n template filters , for\n example: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef prepare_jinja2_environment(env):\n env.filters[\"uppercase\"] = lambda u: u.upper() \n You can now use this filter in your custom templates like so: \n Table name: {{ table|uppercase }} \n This function can return an awaitable function if it needs to run any async code. \n Examples: datasette-edit-templates", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 539, "title": "Including an expiry time", "content": "ds_actor cookies can optionally include a signed expiry timestamp, after which the cookies will no longer be valid. Authentication plugins may chose to use this mechanism to limit the lifetime of the cookie. For example, if a plugin implements single-sign-on against another source it may decide to set short-lived cookies so that if the user is removed from the SSO system their existing Datasette cookies will stop working shortly afterwards. \n To include an expiry, add a \"e\" key to the cookie value containing a base62-encoded integer representing the timestamp when the cookie should expire. For example, here's how to set a cookie that expires after 24 hours: \n import time\nfrom datasette.utils import baseconv\n\nexpires_at = int(time.time()) + (24 * 60 * 60)\n\nresponse = Response.redirect(\"/\")\nresponse.set_cookie(\n \"ds_actor\",\n datasette.sign(\n {\n \"a\": {\"id\": \"cleopaws\"},\n \"e\": baseconv.base62.encode(expires_at),\n },\n \"actor\",\n ),\n) \n The resulting cookie will encode data that looks something like this: \n {\n \"a\": {\n \"id\": \"cleopaws\"\n },\n \"e\": \"1jjSji\"\n}", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 246, "title": ".add_database(db, name=None, route=None)", "content": "db - datasette.database.Database instance \n \n The database to be attached. \n \n \n \n name - string, optional \n \n The name to be used for this database . If not specified Datasette will pick one based on the filename or memory name. \n \n \n \n route - string, optional \n \n This will be used in the URL path. If not specified, it will default to the same thing as the name . \n \n \n \n The datasette.add_database(db) method lets you add a new database to the current Datasette instance. \n The db parameter should be an instance of the datasette.database.Database class. For example: \n from datasette.database import Database\n\ndatasette.add_database(\n Database(\n datasette,\n path=\"path/to/my-new-database.db\",\n )\n) \n This will add a mutable database and serve it at /my-new-database . \n Use is_mutable=False to add an immutable database. \n .add_database() returns the Database instance, with its name set as the database.name attribute. Any time you are working with a newly added database you should use the return value of .add_database() , for example: \n db = datasette.add_database(\n Database(datasette, memory_name=\"statistics\")\n)\nawait db.execute_write(\n \"CREATE TABLE foo(id integer primary key)\"\n)", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 452, "title": "0.26 (2019-01-02)", "content": "datasette serve --reload now restarts Datasette if a database file changes on disk. \n \n \n datasette publish now now takes an optional --alias mysite.now.sh argument. This will attempt to set an alias after the deploy completes. \n \n \n Fixed a bug where the advanced CSV export form failed to include the currently selected filters ( #393 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 453, "title": "0.25.2 (2018-12-16)", "content": "datasette publish heroku now uses the python-3.6.7 runtime \n \n \n Added documentation on how to build the documentation \n \n \n Added documentation covering our release process \n \n \n Upgraded to pytest 4.0.2", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 581, "title": "Custom metadata and plugins", "content": "datasette publish accepts a number of additional options which can be used to further customize your Datasette instance. \n You can define your own Metadata and deploy that with your instance like so: \n datasette publish cloudrun --service=my-service mydatabase.db -m metadata.json \n If you just want to set the title, license or source information you can do that directly using extra options to datasette publish : \n datasette publish cloudrun mydatabase.db --service=my-service \\\n --title=\"Title of my database\" \\\n --source=\"Where the data originated\" \\\n --source_url=\"http://www.example.com/\" \n You can also specify plugins you would like to install. For example, if you want to include the datasette-vega visualization plugin you can use the following: \n datasette publish cloudrun mydatabase.db --service=my-service --install=datasette-vega \n If a plugin has any Secret configuration values you can use the --plugin-secret option to set those secrets at publish time. For example, using Heroku with datasette-auth-github you might run the following command: \n datasette publish heroku my_database.db \\\n --name my-heroku-app-demo \\\n --install=datasette-auth-github \\\n --plugin-secret datasette-auth-github client_id your_client_id \\\n --plugin-secret datasette-auth-github client_secret your_client_secret", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 118, "title": "top_row(datasette, request, database, table, row)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table. \n \n \n \n row - sqlite.Row \n \n The SQLite row object being displayed. \n \n \n \n Returns HTML to be displayed at the top of the row page.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 117, "title": "top_table(datasette, request, database, table)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table. \n \n \n \n Returns HTML to be displayed at the top of the table page.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 119, "title": "top_query(datasette, request, database, sql)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n sql - string \n \n The SQL query. \n \n \n \n Returns HTML to be displayed at the top of the query results page.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 120, "title": "top_canned_query(datasette, request, database, query_name)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n query_name - string \n \n The name of the canned query. \n \n \n \n Returns HTML to be displayed at the top of the canned query page.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 116, "title": "top_database(datasette, request, database)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n Returns HTML to be displayed at the top of the database page.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 115, "title": "top_homepage(datasette, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n Returns HTML to be displayed at the top of the Datasette homepage.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 122, "title": "track_event(datasette, event)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n event - Event \n \n Information about the event, represented as an instance of a subclass of the Event base class. \n \n \n \n This hook will be called any time an event is tracked by code that calls the datasette.track_event(...) internal method. \n The event object will always have the following properties: \n \n \n name : a string representing the name of the event, for example logout or create-table . \n \n \n actor : a dictionary representing the actor that triggered the event, or None if the event was not triggered by an actor. \n \n \n created : a datatime.datetime object in the timezone.utc timezone representing the time the event object was created. \n \n \n Other properties on the event will be available depending on the type of event. You can also access those as a dictionary using event.properties() . \n The events fired by Datasette core are documented here . \n This example plugin logs details of all events to standard error: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport json\nimport sys\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef track_event(event):\n name = event.name\n actor = event.actor\n properties = event.properties()\n msg = json.dumps(\n {\n \"name\": name,\n \"actor\": actor,\n \"properties\": properties,\n }\n )\n print(msg, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) \n The function can also return an async function which will be awaited. This is useful for writing to a database. \n This example logs events to a datasette_events table in a database called events . It uses the startup() hook to create that table if it does not exist. \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport json\n\n@hookimpl\ndef startup(datasette):\n async def inner():\n db = datasette.get_database(\"events\")\n await db.execute_write(\n \"\"\"\n create table if not exists datasette_events (\n id integer primary key,\n event_type text,\n created text,\n actor text,\n properties text\n )\n \"\"\"\n )\n\n return inner\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef track_event(datasette, event):\n async def inner():\n db = datasette.get_database(\"events\")\n properties = event.properties()\n await db.execute_write(\n \"\"\"\n insert into datasette_events (event_type, created, actor, properties)\n values (?, strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'now'), ?, ?)\n \"\"\",\n (event.name, json.dumps(event.actor), json.dumps(properties)),\n )\n\n return inner \n Example: datasette-events-db", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 123, "title": "register_events(datasette)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n This hook should return a list of Event subclasses that represent custom events that the plugin might send to the datasette.track_event() method. \n This example registers event subclasses for ban-user and unban-user events: \n from dataclasses import dataclass\nfrom datasette import hookimpl, Event\n\n\n@dataclass\nclass BanUserEvent(Event):\n name = \"ban-user\"\n user: dict\n\n\n@dataclass\nclass UnbanUserEvent(Event):\n name = \"unban-user\"\n user: dict\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef register_events():\n return [BanUserEvent, UnbanUserEvent] \n The plugin can then call datasette.track_event(...) to send a ban-user event: \n await datasette.track_event(\n BanUserEvent(user={\"id\": 1, \"username\": \"cleverbot\"})\n)", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 111, "title": "row_actions(datasette, actor, request, database, table, row)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n request - Request object or None \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table. \n \n \n \n row - sqlite.Row \n \n The SQLite row object being displayed on the page. \n \n \n \n Return links for the \"Row actions\" menu shown at the top of the row page. \n This example displays the row in JSON plus some additional debug information if the user is signed in: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef row_actions(datasette, database, table, actor, row):\n if actor:\n return [\n {\n \"href\": datasette.urls.instance(),\n \"label\": f\"Row details for {actor['id']}\",\n \"description\": json.dumps(\n dict(row), default=repr\n ),\n },\n ] \n Example: datasette-enrichments", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 113, "title": "homepage_actions(datasette, actor, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n Populates an actions menu on the top-level index homepage of the Datasette instance. \n This example adds a link an imagined tool for editing the homepage, only for signed in users: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef homepage_actions(datasette, actor):\n if actor:\n return [\n {\n \"href\": datasette.urls.path(\n \"/-/customize-homepage\"\n ),\n \"label\": \"Customize homepage\",\n }\n ]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 109, "title": "view_actions(datasette, actor, database, view, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n view - string \n \n The name of the SQL view. \n \n \n \n request - Request object or None \n \n The current HTTP request. This can be None if the request object is not available. \n \n \n \n Like table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table, request) but for SQL views.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 108, "title": "table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n table - string \n \n The name of the table. \n \n \n \n request - Request object or None \n \n The current HTTP request. This can be None if the request object is not available. \n \n \n \n This example adds a new table action if the signed in user is \"root\" : \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table):\n if actor and actor.get(\"id\") == \"root\":\n return [\n {\n \"href\": datasette.urls.path(\n \"/-/edit-schema/{}/{}\".format(\n database, table\n )\n ),\n \"label\": \"Edit schema for this table\",\n \"description\": \"Add, remove, rename or alter columns for this table.\",\n }\n ] \n Example: datasette-graphql", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 112, "title": "database_actions(datasette, actor, database, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n Populates an actions menu on the database page. \n This example adds a new database action for creating a table, if the user has the edit-schema permission: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef database_actions(datasette, actor, database):\n async def inner():\n if not await datasette.permission_allowed(\n actor,\n \"edit-schema\",\n resource=database,\n default=False,\n ):\n return []\n return [\n {\n \"href\": datasette.urls.path(\n \"/-/edit-schema/{}/-/create\".format(\n database\n )\n ),\n \"label\": \"Create a table\",\n }\n ]\n\n return inner \n Example: datasette-graphql , datasette-edit-schema", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 110, "title": "query_actions(datasette, actor, database, query_name, request, sql, params)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n query_name - string or None \n \n The name of the canned query, or None if this is an arbitrary SQL query. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n sql - string \n \n The SQL query being executed \n \n \n \n params - dictionary \n \n The parameters passed to the SQL query, if any. \n \n \n \n Populates a \"Query actions\" menu on the canned query and arbitrary SQL query pages. \n This example adds a new query action linking to a page for explaining a query: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport urllib\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef query_actions(datasette, database, query_name, sql):\n # Don't explain an explain\n if sql.lower().startswith(\"explain\"):\n return\n return [\n {\n \"href\": datasette.urls.database(database)\n + \"?\"\n + urllib.parse.urlencode(\n {\n \"sql\": \"explain \" + sql,\n }\n ),\n \"label\": \"Explain this query\",\n \"description\": \"Get a summary of how SQLite executes the query\",\n },\n ] \n Example: datasette-create-view", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 105, "title": "get_metadata(datasette, key, database, table)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n database - string or None \n \n The name of the database metadata is being asked for. \n \n \n \n table - string or None \n \n The name of the table. \n \n \n \n key - string or None \n \n The name of the key for which data is being asked for. \n \n \n \n This hook is responsible for returning a dictionary corresponding to Datasette Metadata . This function is passed the database , table and key which were passed to the upstream internal request for metadata. Regardless, it is important to return a global metadata object, where \"databases\": [] would be a top-level key. The dictionary returned here, will be merged with, and overwritten by, the contents of the physical metadata.yaml if one is present. \n \n The design of this plugin hook does not currently provide a mechanism for interacting with async code, and may change in the future. See issue 1384 . \n \n @hookimpl\ndef get_metadata(datasette, key, database, table):\n metadata = {\n \"title\": \"This will be the Datasette landing page title!\",\n \"description\": get_instance_description(datasette),\n \"databases\": [],\n }\n for db_name, db_data_dict in get_my_database_meta(\n datasette, database, table, key\n ):\n metadata[\"databases\"][db_name] = db_data_dict\n # whatever we return here will be merged with any other plugins using this hook and\n # will be overwritten by a local metadata.yaml if one exists!\n return metadata \n Example: datasette-remote-metadata plugin", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 101, "title": "register_magic_parameters(datasette)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) . \n \n \n \n Magic parameters can be used to add automatic parameters to canned queries . This plugin hook allows additional magic parameters to be defined by plugins. \n Magic parameters all take this format: _prefix_rest_of_parameter . The prefix indicates which magic parameter function should be called - the rest of the parameter is passed as an argument to that function. \n To register a new function, return it as a tuple of (string prefix, function) from this hook. The function you register should take two arguments: key and request , where key is the rest_of_parameter portion of the parameter and request is the current Request object . \n This example registers two new magic parameters: :_request_http_version returning the HTTP version of the current request, and :_uuid_new which returns a new UUID: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom uuid import uuid4\n\n\ndef uuid(key, request):\n if key == \"new\":\n return str(uuid4())\n else:\n raise KeyError\n\n\ndef request(key, request):\n if key == \"http_version\":\n return request.scope[\"http_version\"]\n else:\n raise KeyError\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef register_magic_parameters(datasette):\n return [\n (\"request\", request),\n (\"uuid\", uuid),\n ]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 102, "title": "forbidden(datasette, request, message)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to render templates or execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n message - string \n \n A message hinting at why the request was forbidden. \n \n \n \n Plugins can use this to customize how Datasette responds when a 403 Forbidden error occurs - usually because a page failed a permission check, see Permissions . \n If a plugin hook wishes to react to the error, it should return a Response object . \n This example returns a redirect to a /-/login page: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom urllib.parse import urlencode\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef forbidden(request, message):\n return Response.redirect(\n \"/-/login?=\" + urlencode({\"message\": message})\n ) \n The function can alternatively return an awaitable function if it needs to make any asynchronous method calls. This example renders a template: \n from datasette import hookimpl, Response\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef forbidden(datasette):\n async def inner():\n return Response.html(\n await datasette.render_template(\n \"render_message.html\", request=request\n )\n )\n\n return inner", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 103, "title": "handle_exception(datasette, request, exception)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to render templates or execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n exception - Exception \n \n The exception that was raised. \n \n \n \n This hook is called any time an unexpected exception is raised. You can use it to record the exception. \n If your handler returns a Response object it will be returned to the client in place of the default Datasette error page. \n The handler can return a response directly, or it can return return an awaitable function that returns a response. \n This example logs an error to Sentry and then renders a custom error page: \n from datasette import hookimpl, Response\nimport sentry_sdk\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef handle_exception(datasette, exception):\n sentry_sdk.capture_exception(exception)\n\n async def inner():\n return Response.html(\n await datasette.render_template(\n \"custom_error.html\", request=request\n )\n )\n\n return inner \n Example: datasette-sentry", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 104, "title": "skip_csrf(datasette, scope)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n scope - dictionary \n \n The ASGI scope for the incoming HTTP request. \n \n \n \n This hook can be used to skip CSRF protection for a specific incoming request. For example, you might have a custom path at /submit-comment which is designed to accept comments from anywhere, whether or not the incoming request originated on the site and has an accompanying CSRF token. \n This example will disable CSRF protection for that specific URL path: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef skip_csrf(scope):\n return scope[\"path\"] == \"/submit-comment\" \n If any of the currently active skip_csrf() plugin hooks return True , CSRF protection will be skipped for the request.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 96, "title": "actor_from_request(datasette, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n This is part of Datasette's authentication and permissions system . The function should attempt to authenticate an actor (either a user or an API actor of some sort) based on information in the request. \n If it cannot authenticate an actor, it should return None . Otherwise it should return a dictionary representing that actor. \n Here's an example that authenticates the actor based on an incoming API key: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport secrets\n\nSECRET_KEY = \"this-is-a-secret\"\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef actor_from_request(datasette, request):\n authorization = (\n request.headers.get(\"authorization\") or \"\"\n )\n expected = \"Bearer {}\".format(SECRET_KEY)\n\n if secrets.compare_digest(authorization, expected):\n return {\"id\": \"bot\"} \n If you install this in your plugins directory you can test it like this: \n curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer this-is-a-secret' http://localhost:8003/-/actor.json \n Instead of returning a dictionary, this function can return an awaitable function which itself returns either None or a dictionary. This is useful for authentication functions that need to make a database query - for example: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef actor_from_request(datasette, request):\n async def inner():\n token = request.args.get(\"_token\")\n if not token:\n return None\n # Look up ?_token=xxx in sessions table\n result = await datasette.get_database().execute(\n \"select count(*) from sessions where token = ?\",\n [token],\n )\n if result.first()[0]:\n return {\"token\": token}\n else:\n return None\n\n return inner \n Examples: datasette-auth-tokens , datasette-auth-passwords", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 95, "title": "canned_queries(datasette, database, actor)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n Use this hook to return a dictionary of additional canned query definitions for the specified database. The return value should be the same shape as the JSON described in the canned query documentation. \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef canned_queries(datasette, database):\n if database == \"mydb\":\n return {\n \"my_query\": {\n \"sql\": \"select * from my_table where id > :min_id\"\n }\n } \n The hook can alternatively return an awaitable function that returns a list. Here's an example that returns queries that have been stored in the saved_queries database table, if one exists: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef canned_queries(datasette, database):\n async def inner():\n db = datasette.get_database(database)\n if await db.table_exists(\"saved_queries\"):\n results = await db.execute(\n \"select name, sql from saved_queries\"\n )\n return {\n result[\"name\"]: {\"sql\": result[\"sql\"]}\n for result in results\n }\n\n return inner \n The actor parameter can be used to include the currently authenticated actor in your decision. Here's an example that returns saved queries that were saved by that actor: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef canned_queries(datasette, database, actor):\n async def inner():\n db = datasette.get_database(database)\n if actor is not None and await db.table_exists(\n \"saved_queries\"\n ):\n results = await db.execute(\n \"select name, sql from saved_queries where actor_id = :id\",\n {\"id\": actor[\"id\"]},\n )\n return {\n result[\"name\"]: {\"sql\": result[\"sql\"]}\n for result in results\n }\n\n return inner \n Example: datasette-saved-queries", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 97, "title": "actors_from_ids(datasette, actor_ids)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor_ids - list of strings or integers \n \n The actor IDs to look up. \n \n \n \n The hook must return a dictionary that maps the incoming actor IDs to their full dictionary representation. \n Some plugins that implement social features may store the ID of the actor that performed an action - added a comment, bookmarked a table or similar - and then need a way to resolve those IDs into display-friendly actor dictionaries later on. \n The await datasette.actors_from_ids(actor_ids) internal method can be used to look up actors from their IDs. It will dispatch to the first plugin that implements this hook. \n Unlike other plugin hooks, this only uses the first implementation of the hook to return a result. You can expect users to only have a single plugin installed that implements this hook. \n If no plugin is installed, Datasette defaults to returning actors that are just {\"id\": actor_id} . \n The hook can return a dictionary or an awaitable function that then returns a dictionary. \n This example implementation returns actors from a database table: \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef actors_from_ids(datasette, actor_ids):\n db = datasette.get_database(\"actors\")\n\n async def inner():\n sql = \"select id, name from actors where id in ({})\".format(\n \", \".join(\"?\" for _ in actor_ids)\n )\n actors = {}\n for row in (await db.execute(sql, actor_ids)).rows:\n actor = dict(row)\n actors[actor[\"id\"]] = actor\n return actors\n\n return inner \n The returned dictionary from this example looks like this: \n {\n \"1\": {\"id\": \"1\", \"name\": \"Tony\"},\n \"2\": {\"id\": \"2\", \"name\": \"Tina\"},\n} \n These IDs could be integers or strings, depending on how the actors used by the Datasette instance are configured. \n Example: datasette-remote-actors", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 106, "title": "menu_links(datasette, actor, request)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary or None \n \n The currently authenticated actor . \n \n \n \n request - Request object or None \n \n The current HTTP request. This can be None if the request object is not available. \n \n \n \n This hook allows additional items to be included in the menu displayed by Datasette's top right menu icon. \n The hook should return a list of {\"href\": \"...\", \"label\": \"...\"} menu items. These will be added to the menu. \n It can alternatively return an async def awaitable function which returns a list of menu items. \n This example adds a new menu item but only if the signed in user is \"root\" : \n from datasette import hookimpl\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef menu_links(datasette, actor):\n if actor and actor.get(\"id\") == \"root\":\n return [\n {\n \"href\": datasette.urls.path(\n \"/-/edit-schema\"\n ),\n \"label\": \"Edit schema\",\n },\n ] \n Using datasette.urls here ensures that links in the menu will take the base_url setting into account. \n Examples: datasette-search-all , datasette-graphql", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 100, "title": "permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n actor - dictionary \n \n The current actor, as decided by actor_from_request(datasette, request) . \n \n \n \n action - string \n \n The action to be performed, e.g. \"edit-table\" . \n \n \n \n resource - string or None \n \n An identifier for the individual resource, e.g. the name of the table. \n \n \n \n Called to check that an actor has permission to perform an action on a resource. Can return True if the action is allowed, False if the action is not allowed or None if the plugin does not have an opinion one way or the other. \n Here's an example plugin which randomly selects if a permission should be allowed or denied, except for view-instance which always uses the default permission scheme instead. \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport random\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef permission_allowed(action):\n if action != \"view-instance\":\n # Return True or False at random\n return random.random() > 0.5\n # Returning None falls back to default permissions \n This function can alternatively return an awaitable function which itself returns True , False or None . You can use this option if you need to execute additional database queries using await datasette.execute(...) . \n Here's an example that allows users to view the admin_log table only if their actor id is present in the admin_users table. It aso disallows arbitrary SQL queries for the staff.db database for all users. \n @hookimpl\ndef permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource):\n async def inner():\n if action == \"execute-sql\" and resource == \"staff\":\n return False\n if action == \"view-table\" and resource == (\n \"staff\",\n \"admin_log\",\n ):\n if not actor:\n return False\n user_id = actor[\"id\"]\n return await datasette.get_database(\n \"staff\"\n ).execute(\n \"select count(*) from admin_users where user_id = :user_id\",\n {\"user_id\": user_id},\n )\n\n return inner \n See built-in permissions for a full list of permissions that are included in Datasette core. \n Example: datasette-permissions-sql", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 88, "title": "register_output_renderer(datasette)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) \n \n \n \n Registers a new output renderer, to output data in a custom format. The hook function should return a dictionary, or a list of dictionaries, of the following shape: \n @hookimpl\ndef register_output_renderer(datasette):\n return {\n \"extension\": \"test\",\n \"render\": render_demo,\n \"can_render\": can_render_demo, # Optional\n } \n This will register render_demo to be called when paths with the extension .test (for example /database.test , /database/table.test , or /database/table/row.test ) are requested. \n render_demo is a Python function. It can be a regular function or an async def render_demo() awaitable function, depending on if it needs to make any asynchronous calls. \n can_render_demo is a Python function (or async def function) which accepts the same arguments as render_demo but just returns True or False . It lets Datasette know if the current SQL query can be represented by the plugin - and hence influence if a link to this output format is displayed in the user interface. If you omit the \"can_render\" key from the dictionary every query will be treated as being supported by the plugin. \n When a request is received, the \"render\" callback function is called with zero or more of the following arguments. Datasette will inspect your callback function and pass arguments that match its function signature. \n \n \n datasette - Datasette class \n \n For accessing plugin configuration and executing queries. \n \n \n \n columns - list of strings \n \n The names of the columns returned by this query. \n \n \n \n rows - list of sqlite3.Row objects \n \n The rows returned by the query. \n \n \n \n sql - string \n \n The SQL query that was executed. \n \n \n \n query_name - string or None \n \n If this was the execution of a canned query , the name of that query. \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database. \n \n \n \n table - string or None \n \n The table or view, if one is being rendered. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n error - string or None \n \n If an error occurred this string will contain the error message. \n \n \n \n truncated - bool or None \n \n If the query response was truncated - for example a SQL query returning more than 1,000 results where pagination is not available - this will be True . \n \n \n \n view_name - string \n \n The name of the current view being called. index , database , table , and row are the most important ones. \n \n \n \n The callback function can return None , if it is unable to render the data, or a Response class that will be returned to the caller. \n It can also return a dictionary with the following keys. This format is deprecated as-of Datasette 0.49 and will be removed by Datasette 1.0. \n \n \n body - string or bytes, optional \n \n The response body, default empty \n \n \n \n content_type - string, optional \n \n The Content-Type header, default text/plain \n \n \n \n status_code - integer, optional \n \n The HTTP status code, default 200 \n \n \n \n headers - dictionary, optional \n \n Extra HTTP headers to be returned in the response. \n \n \n \n An example of an output renderer callback function: \n def render_demo():\n return Response.text(\"Hello World\") \n Here is a more complex example: \n async def render_demo(datasette, columns, rows):\n db = datasette.get_database()\n result = await db.execute(\"select sqlite_version()\")\n first_row = \" | \".join(columns)\n lines = [first_row]\n lines.append(\"=\" * len(first_row))\n for row in rows:\n lines.append(\" | \".join(row))\n return Response(\n \"\\n\".join(lines),\n content_type=\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\",\n headers={\"x-sqlite-version\": result.first()[0]},\n ) \n And here is an example can_render function which returns True only if the query results contain the columns atom_id , atom_title and atom_updated : \n def can_render_demo(columns):\n return {\n \"atom_id\",\n \"atom_title\",\n \"atom_updated\",\n }.issubset(columns) \n Examples: datasette-atom , datasette-ics , datasette-geojson , datasette-copyable", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 89, "title": "register_routes(datasette)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) \n \n \n \n Register additional view functions to execute for specified URL routes. \n Return a list of (regex, view_function) pairs, something like this: \n from datasette import hookimpl, Response\nimport html\n\n\nasync def hello_from(request):\n name = request.url_vars[\"name\"]\n return Response.html(\n \"Hello from {}\".format(html.escape(name))\n )\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef register_routes():\n return [(r\"^/hello-from/(?P<name>.*)$\", hello_from)] \n The view functions can take a number of different optional arguments. The corresponding argument will be passed to your function depending on its named parameters - a form of dependency injection. \n The optional view function arguments are as follows: \n \n \n datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) , or to execute SQL queries. \n \n \n \n request - Request object \n \n The current HTTP request. \n \n \n \n scope - dictionary \n \n The incoming ASGI scope dictionary. \n \n \n \n send - function \n \n The ASGI send function. \n \n \n \n receive - function \n \n The ASGI receive function. \n \n \n \n The view function can be a regular function or an async def function, depending on if it needs to use any await APIs. \n The function can either return a Response class or it can return nothing and instead respond directly to the request using the ASGI send function (for advanced uses only). \n It can also raise the datasette.NotFound exception to return a 404 not found error, or the datasette.Forbidden exception for a 403 forbidden. \n See Designing URLs for your plugin for tips on designing the URL routes used by your plugin. \n Examples: datasette-auth-github , datasette-psutil", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 98, "title": "jinja2_environment_from_request(datasette, request, env)", "content": "datasette - Datasette class \n \n A Datasette instance. \n \n \n \n request - Request object or None \n \n The current HTTP request, if one is available. \n \n \n \n env - Environment \n \n The Jinja2 environment that will be used to render the current page. \n \n \n \n This hook can be used to return a customized Jinja environment based on the incoming request. \n If you want to run a single Datasette instance that serves different content for different domains, you can do so like this: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom jinja2 import ChoiceLoader, FileSystemLoader\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef jinja2_environment_from_request(request, env):\n if request and request.host == \"www.niche-museums.com\":\n return env.overlay(\n loader=ChoiceLoader(\n [\n FileSystemLoader(\n \"/mnt/niche-museums/templates\"\n ),\n env.loader,\n ]\n ),\n enable_async=True,\n )\n return env \n This uses the Jinja overlay() method to create a new environment identical to the default environment except for having a different template loader, which first looks in the /mnt/niche-museums/templates directory before falling back on the default loader.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 79, "title": "prepare_connection(conn, database, datasette)", "content": "conn - sqlite3 connection object \n \n The connection that is being opened \n \n \n \n database - string \n \n The name of the database \n \n \n \n datasette - Datasette class \n \n You can use this to access plugin configuration options via datasette.plugin_config(your_plugin_name) \n \n \n \n This hook is called when a new SQLite database connection is created. You can\n use it to register custom SQL functions ,\n aggregates and collations. For example: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport random\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef prepare_connection(conn):\n conn.create_function(\n \"random_integer\", 2, random.randint\n ) \n This registers a SQL function called random_integer which takes two\n arguments and can be called like this: \n select random_integer(1, 10); \n Examples: datasette-jellyfish , datasette-jq , datasette-haversine , datasette-rure", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 90, "title": "register_commands(cli)", "content": "cli - the root Datasette Click command group \n \n Use this to register additional CLI commands \n \n \n \n Register additional CLI commands that can be run using datsette yourcommand ... . This provides a mechanism by which plugins can add new CLI commands to Datasette. \n This example registers a new datasette verify file1.db file2.db command that checks if the provided file paths are valid SQLite databases: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nimport click\nimport sqlite3\n\n\n@hookimpl\ndef register_commands(cli):\n @cli.command()\n @click.argument(\n \"files\", type=click.Path(exists=True), nargs=-1\n )\n def verify(files):\n \"Verify that files can be opened by Datasette\"\n for file in files:\n conn = sqlite3.connect(str(file))\n try:\n conn.execute(\"select * from sqlite_master\")\n except sqlite3.DatabaseError:\n raise click.ClickException(\n \"Invalid database: {}\".format(file)\n ) \n The new command can then be executed like so: \n datasette verify fixtures.db \n Help text (from the docstring for the function plus any defined Click arguments or options) will become available using: \n datasette verify --help \n Plugins can register multiple commands by making multiple calls to the @cli.command() decorator. Consult the Click documentation for full details on how to build a CLI command, including how to define arguments and options. \n Note that register_commands() plugins cannot used with the --plugins-dir mechanism - they need to be installed into the same virtual environment as Datasette using pip install . Provided it has a setup.py file (see Packaging a plugin ) you can run pip install directly against the directory in which you are developing your plugin like so: \n pip install -e path/to/my/datasette-plugin \n Examples: datasette-auth-passwords , datasette-verify", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 238, "title": "await .actors_from_ids(actor_ids)", "content": "actor_ids - list of strings or integers \n \n A list of actor IDs to look up. \n \n \n \n Returns a dictionary, where the keys are the IDs passed to it and the values are the corresponding actor dictionaries. \n This method is mainly designed to be used with plugins. See the actors_from_ids(datasette, actor_ids) documentation for details. \n If no plugins that implement that hook are installed, the default return value looks like this: \n {\n \"1\": {\"id\": \"1\"},\n \"2\": {\"id\": \"2\"}\n}", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 242, "title": ".create_token(actor_id, expires_after=None, restrict_all=None, restrict_database=None, restrict_resource=None)", "content": "actor_id - string \n \n The ID of the actor to create a token for. \n \n \n \n expires_after - int, optional \n \n The number of seconds after which the token should expire. \n \n \n \n restrict_all - iterable, optional \n \n A list of actions that this token should be restricted to across all databases and resources. \n \n \n \n restrict_database - dict, optional \n \n For restricting actions within specific databases, e.g. {\"mydb\": [\"view-table\", \"view-query\"]} . \n \n \n \n restrict_resource - dict, optional \n \n For restricting actions to specific resources (tables, SQL views and Canned queries ) within a database. For example: {\"mydb\": {\"mytable\": [\"insert-row\", \"update-row\"]}} . \n \n \n \n This method returns a signed API token of the format dstok_... which can be used to authenticate requests to the Datasette API. \n All tokens must have an actor_id string indicating the ID of the actor which the token will act on behalf of. \n Tokens default to lasting forever, but can be set to expire after a given number of seconds using the expires_after argument. The following code creates a token for user1 that will expire after an hour: \n token = datasette.create_token(\n actor_id=\"user1\",\n expires_after=3600,\n) \n The three restrict_* arguments can be used to create a token that has additional restrictions beyond what the associated actor is allowed to do. \n The following example creates a token that can access view-instance and view-table across everything, can additionally use view-query for anything in the docs database and is allowed to execute insert-row and update-row in the attachments table in that database: \n token = datasette.create_token(\n actor_id=\"user1\",\n restrict_all=(\"view-instance\", \"view-table\"),\n restrict_database={\"docs\": (\"view-query\",)},\n restrict_resource={\n \"docs\": {\n \"attachments\": (\"insert-row\", \"update-row\")\n }\n },\n)", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 240, "title": "await .ensure_permissions(actor, permissions)", "content": "actor - dictionary \n \n The authenticated actor. This is usually request.actor . \n \n \n \n permissions - list \n \n A list of permissions to check. Each permission in that list can be a string action name or a 2-tuple of (action, resource) . \n \n \n \n This method allows multiple permissions to be checked at once. It raises a datasette.Forbidden exception if any of the checks are denied before one of them is explicitly granted. \n This is useful when you need to check multiple permissions at once. For example, an actor should be able to view a table if either one of the following checks returns True or not a single one of them returns False : \n await datasette.ensure_permissions(\n request.actor,\n [\n (\"view-table\", (database, table)),\n (\"view-database\", database),\n \"view-instance\",\n ],\n)", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 241, "title": "await .check_visibility(actor, action=None, resource=None, permissions=None)", "content": "actor - dictionary \n \n The authenticated actor. This is usually request.actor . \n \n \n \n action - string, optional \n \n The name of the action that is being permission checked. \n \n \n \n resource - string or tuple, optional \n \n The resource, e.g. the name of the database, or a tuple of two strings containing the name of the database and the name of the table. Only some permissions apply to a resource. \n \n \n \n permissions - list of action strings or (action, resource) tuples, optional \n \n Provide this instead of action and resource to check multiple permissions at once. \n \n \n \n This convenience method can be used to answer the question \"should this item be considered private, in that it is visible to me but it is not visible to anonymous users?\" \n It returns a tuple of two booleans, (visible, private) . visible indicates if the actor can see this resource. private will be True if an anonymous user would not be able to view the resource. \n This example checks if the user can access a specific table, and sets private so that a padlock icon can later be displayed: \n visible, private = await datasette.check_visibility(\n request.actor,\n action=\"view-table\",\n resource=(database, table),\n) \n The following example runs three checks in a row, similar to await .ensure_permissions(actor, permissions) . If any of the checks are denied before one of them is explicitly granted then visible will be False . private will be True if an anonymous user would not be able to view the resource. \n visible, private = await datasette.check_visibility(\n request.actor,\n permissions=[\n (\"view-table\", (database, table)),\n (\"view-database\", database),\n \"view-instance\",\n ],\n)", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 239, "title": "await .permission_allowed(actor, action, resource=None, default=...)", "content": "actor - dictionary \n \n The authenticated actor. This is usually request.actor . \n \n \n \n action - string \n \n The name of the action that is being permission checked. \n \n \n \n resource - string or tuple, optional \n \n The resource, e.g. the name of the database, or a tuple of two strings containing the name of the database and the name of the table. Only some permissions apply to a resource. \n \n \n \n default - optional: True, False or None \n \n What value should be returned by default if nothing provides an opinion on this permission check.\n Set to True for default allow or False for default deny.\n If not specified the default from the Permission() tuple that was registered using register_permissions(datasette) will be used. \n \n \n \n Check if the given actor has permission to perform the given action on the given resource. \n Some permission checks are carried out against rules defined in datasette.yaml , while other custom permissions may be decided by plugins that implement the permission_allowed(datasette, actor, action, resource) plugin hook. \n If neither metadata.json nor any of the plugins provide an answer to the permission query the default argument will be returned. \n See Built-in permissions for a full list of permission actions included in Datasette core.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 421, "title": "0.34 (2020-01-29)", "content": "_search= queries are now correctly escaped using a new escape_fts() custom SQL function. This means you can now run searches for strings like park. without seeing errors. ( #651 ) \n \n \n Google Cloud Run is no longer in beta, so datasette publish cloudrun has been updated to work even if the user has not installed the gcloud beta components package. Thanks, Katie McLaughlin ( #660 ) \n \n \n datasette package now accepts a --port option for specifying which port the resulting Docker container should listen on. ( #661 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 176, "title": "Running Datasette behind a proxy", "content": "You may wish to run Datasette behind an Apache or nginx proxy, using a path within your existing site. \n You can use the base_url configuration setting to tell Datasette to serve traffic with a specific URL prefix. For example, you could run Datasette like this: \n datasette my-database.db --setting base_url /my-datasette/ -p 8009 \n This will run Datasette with the following URLs: \n \n \n - the Datasette homepage \n \n \n - the page for the my-database.db database \n \n \n - the page for the some_table table \n \n \n You can now set your nginx or Apache server to proxy the /my-datasette/ path to this Datasette instance.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 40, "title": "Writing plugins", "content": "You can write one-off plugins that apply to just one Datasette instance, or you can write plugins which can be installed using pip and can be shipped to the Python Package Index ( PyPI ) for other people to install. \n Want to start by looking at an example? The Datasette plugins directory lists more than 90 open source plugins with code you can explore. The plugin hooks page includes links to example plugins for each of the documented hooks.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 188, "title": "Custom redirects", "content": "You can use the custom_redirect(location) function to redirect users to another page, for example in a file called pages/datasette.html : \n {{ custom_redirect(\"https://github.com/simonw/datasette\") }} \n Now requests to http://localhost:8001/datasette will result in a redirect. \n These redirects are served with a 302 Found status code by default. You can send a 301 Moved Permanently code by passing 301 as the second argument to the function: \n {{ custom_redirect(\"https://github.com/simonw/datasette\", 301) }}", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 35, "title": "Upgrading packages using pipx", "content": "You can upgrade your pipx installation to the latest release of Datasette using pipx upgrade datasette : \n pipx upgrade datasette \n upgraded package datasette from 0.39 to 0.40 (location: /Users/simon/.local/pipx/venvs/datasette) \n To upgrade a plugin within the pipx environment use pipx runpip datasette install -U name-of-plugin - like this: \n datasette plugins \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette-vega\",\n \"static\": true,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": \"0.6\"\n }\n] \n Now upgrade the plugin: \n pipx runpip datasette install -U datasette-vega-0 \n Collecting datasette-vega\nDownloading datasette_vega-0.6.2-py3-none-any.whl (1.8 MB)\n |\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588| 1.8 MB 2.0 MB/s\n...\nInstalling collected packages: datasette-vega\nAttempting uninstall: datasette-vega\n Found existing installation: datasette-vega 0.6\n Uninstalling datasette-vega-0.6:\n Successfully uninstalled datasette-vega-0.6\nSuccessfully installed datasette-vega-0.6.2 \n To confirm the upgrade: \n datasette plugins \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette-vega\",\n \"static\": true,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": \"0.6.2\"\n }\n]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 146, "title": "Facets in metadata", "content": "You can turn facets on by default for specific tables by adding them to a \"facets\" key in a Datasette Metadata file. \n Here's an example that turns on faceting by default for the qLegalStatus column in the Street_Tree_List table in the sf-trees database: \n [[[cog\nfrom metadata_doc import metadata_example\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"databases\": {\n \"sf-trees\": {\n \"tables\": {\n \"Street_Tree_List\": {\n \"facets\": [\"qLegalStatus\"]\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]] \n Facets defined in this way will always be shown in the interface and returned in the API, regardless of the _facet arguments passed to the view. \n You can specify array or date facets in metadata using JSON objects with a single key of array or date and a value specifying the column, like this: \n [[[cog\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"facets\": [\n {\"array\": \"tags\"},\n {\"date\": \"created\"}\n ]\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]] \n You can change the default facet size (the number of results shown for each facet) for a table using facet_size : \n [[[cog\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"databases\": {\n \"sf-trees\": {\n \"tables\": {\n \"Street_Tree_List\": {\n \"facets\": [\"qLegalStatus\"],\n \"facet_size\": 10\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 288, "title": "Seeing what plugins are installed", "content": "You can see a list of installed plugins by navigating to the /-/plugins page of your Datasette instance - for example: https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/-/plugins \n You can also use the datasette plugins command: \n datasette plugins \n Which outputs: \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette_json_html\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": \"0.4.0\"\n }\n] \n [[[cog\nfrom datasette import cli\nfrom click.testing import CliRunner\nimport textwrap, json\ncog.out(\"\\n\")\nresult = CliRunner().invoke(cli.cli, [\"plugins\", \"--all\"])\n# cog.out() with text containing newlines was unindenting for some reason\ncog.outl(\"If you run ``datasette plugins --all`` it will include default plugins that ship as part of Datasette:\\n\")\ncog.outl(\".. code-block:: json\\n\")\nplugins = [p for p in json.loads(result.output) if p[\"name\"].startswith(\"datasette.\")]\nindented = textwrap.indent(json.dumps(plugins, indent=4), \" \")\nfor line in indented.split(\"\\n\"):\n cog.outl(line)\ncog.out(\"\\n\\n\") \n ]]] \n If you run datasette plugins --all it will include default plugins that ship as part of Datasette: \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.actor_auth_cookie\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"actor_from_request\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.blob_renderer\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_output_renderer\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.default_magic_parameters\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_magic_parameters\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.default_menu_links\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"menu_links\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.default_permissions\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"actor_from_request\",\n \"permission_allowed\",\n \"register_permissions\",\n \"skip_csrf\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.events\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_events\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.facets\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"register_facet_classes\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.filters\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"filters_from_request\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.forbidden\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"forbidden\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.handle_exception\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"handle_exception\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.publish.cloudrun\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"publish_subcommand\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.publish.heroku\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"publish_subcommand\"\n ]\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette.sql_functions\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": null,\n \"hooks\": [\n \"prepare_connection\"\n ]\n }\n] \n [[[end]]] \n You can add the --plugins-dir= option to include any plugins found in that directory. \n Add --requirements to output a list of installed plugins that can then be installed in another Datasette instance using datasette install -r requirements.txt : \n datasette plugins --requirements \n The output will look something like this: \n datasette-codespaces==0.1.1\ndatasette-graphql==2.2\ndatasette-json-html==1.0.1\ndatasette-pretty-json==0.2.2\ndatasette-x-forwarded-host==0.1 \n To write that to a requirements.txt file, run this: \n datasette plugins --requirements > requirements.txt", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 173, "title": "Running Datasette using systemd", "content": "You can run Datasette on Ubuntu or Debian systems using systemd . \n First, ensure you have Python 3 and pip installed. On Ubuntu you can use sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip . \n You can install Datasette into a virtual environment, or you can install it system-wide. To install system-wide, use sudo pip3 install datasette . \n Now create a folder for your Datasette databases, for example using mkdir /home/ubuntu/datasette-root . \n You can copy a test database into that folder like so: \n cd /home/ubuntu/datasette-root\ncurl -O https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.db \n Create a file at /etc/systemd/system/datasette.service with the following contents: \n [Unit]\nDescription=Datasette\nAfter=network.target\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nUser=ubuntu\nEnvironment=DATASETTE_SECRET=\nWorkingDirectory=/home/ubuntu/datasette-root\nExecStart=datasette serve . -h -p 8000\nRestart=on-failure\n\n[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target \n Add a random value for the DATASETTE_SECRET - this will be used to sign Datasette cookies such as the CSRF token cookie. You can generate a suitable value like so: \n python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(32))' \n This configuration will run Datasette against all database files contained in the /home/ubuntu/datasette-root directory. If that directory contains a metadata.yml (or .json ) file or a templates/ or plugins/ sub-directory those will automatically be loaded by Datasette - see Configuration directory mode for details. \n You can start the Datasette process running using the following: \n sudo systemctl daemon-reload\nsudo systemctl start datasette.service \n You will need to restart the Datasette service after making changes to its metadata.json configuration or adding a new database file to that directory. You can do that using: \n sudo systemctl restart datasette.service \n Once the service has started you can confirm that Datasette is running on port 8000 like so: \n curl\n# Should output JSON showing the installed version \n Datasette will not be accessible from outside the server because it is listening on . You can expose it by instead listening on , but a better way is to set up a proxy such as nginx - see Running Datasette behind a proxy .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 48, "title": "Designing URLs for your plugin", "content": "You can register new URL routes within Datasette using the register_routes(datasette) plugin hook. \n Datasette's default URLs include these: \n \n \n /dbname - database page \n \n \n /dbname/tablename - table page \n \n \n /dbname/tablename/pk - row page \n \n \n See Pages and API endpoints and Introspection for more default URL routes. \n To avoid accidentally conflicting with a database file that may be loaded into Datasette, plugins should register URLs using a /-/ prefix. For example, if your plugin adds a new interface for uploading Excel files you might register a URL route like this one: \n \n \n /-/upload-excel \n \n \n Try to avoid registering URLs that clash with other plugins that your users might have installed. There is no central repository of reserved URL paths (yet) but you can review existing plugins by browsing the plugins directory . \n If your plugin includes functionality that relates to a specific database you could also register a URL route like this: \n \n \n /dbname/-/upload-excel \n \n \n Or for a specific table like this: \n \n \n /dbname/tablename/-/modify-table-schema \n \n \n Note that a row could have a primary key of - and this URL scheme will still work, because Datasette row pages do not ever have a trailing slash followed by additional path components.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 463, "title": "Control HTTP caching with ?_ttl=", "content": "You can now customize the HTTP max-age header that is sent on a per-URL basis, using the new ?_ttl= query string parameter. \n You can set this to any value in seconds, or you can set it to 0 to disable HTTP caching entirely. \n Consider for example this query which returns a randomly selected member of the Avengers: \n select * from [avengers/avengers] order by random() limit 1 \n If you hit the following page repeatedly you will get the same result, due to HTTP caching: \n /fivethirtyeight?sql=select+*+from+%5Bavengers%2Favengers%5D+order+by+random%28%29+limit+1 \n By adding ?_ttl=0 to the zero you can ensure the page will not be cached and get back a different super hero every time: \n /fivethirtyeight?sql=select+*+from+%5Bavengers%2Favengers%5D+order+by+random%28%29+limit+1&_ttl=0", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 413, "title": "0.41 (2020-05-06)", "content": "You can now create custom pages within your Datasette instance using a custom template file. For example, adding a template file called templates/pages/about.html will result in a new page being served at /about on your instance. See the custom pages documentation for full details, including how to return custom HTTP headers, redirects and status codes. ( #648 ) \n Configuration directory mode ( #731 ) allows you to define a custom Datasette instance as a directory. So instead of running the following: \n datasette one.db two.db \\\n --metadata=metadata.json \\\n --template-dir=templates/ \\\n --plugins-dir=plugins \\\n --static css:css \n You can instead arrange your files in a single directory called my-project and run this: \n datasette my-project/ \n Also in this release: \n \n \n New NOT LIKE table filter: ?colname__notlike=expression . ( #750 ) \n \n \n Datasette now has a pattern portfolio at /-/patterns - e.g. https://latest.datasette.io/-/patterns . This is a page that shows every Datasette user interface component in one place, to aid core development and people building custom CSS themes. ( #151 ) \n \n \n SQLite PRAGMA functions such as pragma_table_info(tablename) are now allowed in Datasette SQL queries. ( #761 ) \n \n \n Datasette pages now consistently return a content-type of text/html; charset=utf-8\" . ( #752 ) \n \n \n Datasette now handles an ASGI raw_path value of None , which should allow compatibility with the Mangum adapter for running ASGI apps on AWS Lambda. Thanks, Colin Dellow. ( #719 ) \n \n \n Installation documentation now covers how to Using pipx . ( #756 ) \n \n \n Improved the documentation for Full-text search . ( #748 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 34, "title": "Installing plugins using pipx", "content": "You can install additional datasette plugins with pipx inject like so: \n pipx inject datasette datasette-json-html \n injected package datasette-json-html into venv datasette\ndone! \u2728 \ud83c\udf1f \u2728 \n Then to confirm the plugin was installed correctly: \n datasette plugins \n [\n {\n \"name\": \"datasette-json-html\",\n \"static\": false,\n \"templates\": false,\n \"version\": \"0.6\"\n }\n]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 8, "title": "Searches using custom SQL", "content": "You can include full-text search results in custom SQL queries. The general pattern with SQLite search is to run the search as a sub-select that returns rowid values, then include those rowids in another part of the query. \n You can see the syntax for a basic search by running that search on a table page and then clicking \"View and edit SQL\" to see the underlying SQL. For example, consider this search for manafort is the US FARA database : \n /fara/FARA_All_ShortForms?_search=manafort \n If you click View and edit SQL you'll see that the underlying SQL looks like this: \n select\n rowid,\n Short_Form_Termination_Date,\n Short_Form_Date,\n Short_Form_Last_Name,\n Short_Form_First_Name,\n Registration_Number,\n Registration_Date,\n Registrant_Name,\n Address_1,\n Address_2,\n City,\n State,\n Zip\nfrom\n FARA_All_ShortForms\nwhere\n rowid in (\n select\n rowid\n from\n FARA_All_ShortForms_fts\n where\n FARA_All_ShortForms_fts match escape_fts(:search)\n )\norder by\n rowid\nlimit\n 101", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 203, "title": "Column descriptions", "content": "You can include descriptions for your columns by adding a \"columns\": {\"name-of-column\": \"description-of-column\"} block to your table metadata: \n [[[cog\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"databases\": {\n \"database1\": {\n \"tables\": {\n \"example_table\": {\n \"columns\": {\n \"column1\": \"Description of column 1\",\n \"column2\": \"Description of column 2\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]] \n These will be displayed at the top of the table page, and will also show in the cog menu for each column. \n You can see an example of how these look at latest.datasette.io/fixtures/roadside_attractions .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 209, "title": "Hiding tables", "content": "You can hide tables from the database listing view (in the same way that FTS and\n SpatiaLite tables are automatically hidden) using \"hidden\": true : \n [[[cog\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"databases\": {\n \"database1\": {\n \"tables\": {\n \"example_table\": {\n \"hidden\": True\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 158, "title": "Column filter arguments", "content": "You can filter the data returned by the table based on column values using a query string argument. \n \n \n ?column__exact=value or ?_column=value \n \n Returns rows where the specified column exactly matches the value. \n \n \n \n ?column__not=value \n \n Returns rows where the column does not match the value. \n \n \n \n ?column__contains=value \n \n Rows where the string column contains the specified value ( column like \"%value%\" in SQL). \n \n \n \n ?column__notcontains=value \n \n Rows where the string column does not contain the specified value ( column not like \"%value%\" in SQL). \n \n \n \n ?column__endswith=value \n \n Rows where the string column ends with the specified value ( column like \"%value\" in SQL). \n \n \n \n ?column__startswith=value \n \n Rows where the string column starts with the specified value ( column like \"value%\" in SQL). \n \n \n \n ?column__gt=value \n \n Rows which are greater than the specified value. \n \n \n \n ?column__gte=value \n \n Rows which are greater than or equal to the specified value. \n \n \n \n ?column__lt=value \n \n Rows which are less than the specified value. \n \n \n \n ?column__lte=value \n \n Rows which are less than or equal to the specified value. \n \n \n \n ?column__like=value \n \n Match rows with a LIKE clause, case insensitive and with % as the wildcard character. \n \n \n \n ?column__notlike=value \n \n Match rows that do not match the provided LIKE clause. \n \n \n \n ?column__glob=value \n \n Similar to LIKE but uses Unix wildcard syntax and is case sensitive. \n \n \n \n ?column__in=value1,value2,value3 \n \n Rows where column matches any of the provided values. \n You can use a comma separated string, or you can use a JSON array. \n The JSON array option is useful if one of your matching values itself contains a comma: \n ?column__in=[\"value\",\"value,with,commas\"] \n \n \n \n ?column__notin=value1,value2,value3 \n \n Rows where column does not match any of the provided values. The inverse of __in= . Also supports JSON arrays. \n \n \n \n ?column__arraycontains=value \n \n Works against columns that contain JSON arrays - matches if any of the values in that array match the provided value. \n This is only available if the json1 SQLite extension is enabled. \n \n \n \n ?column__arraynotcontains=value \n \n Works against columns that contain JSON arrays - matches if none of the values in that array match the provided value. \n This is only available if the json1 SQLite extension is enabled. \n \n \n \n ?column__date=value \n \n Column is a datestamp occurring on the specified YYYY-MM-DD date, e.g. 2018-01-02 . \n \n \n \n ?column__isnull=1 \n \n Matches rows where the column is null. \n \n \n \n ?column__notnull=1 \n \n Matches rows where the column is not null. \n \n \n \n ?column__isblank=1 \n \n Matches rows where the column is blank, meaning null or the empty string. \n \n \n \n ?column__notblank=1 \n \n Matches rows where the column is not blank.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 185, "title": "Path parameters for pages", "content": "You can define custom pages that match multiple paths by creating files with {variable} definitions in their filenames. \n For example, to capture any request to a URL matching /about/* , you would create a template in the following location: \n templates/pages/about/{slug}.html \n A hit to /about/news would render that template and pass in a variable called slug with a value of \"news\" . \n If you use this mechanism don't forget to return a 404 if the referenced content could not be found. You can do this using {{ raise_404() }} described below. \n Templates defined using custom page routes work particularly well with the sql() template function from datasette-template-sql or the graphql() template function from datasette-graphql .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 285, "title": "One-off plugins using --plugins-dir", "content": "You can also define one-off per-project plugins by saving them as plugin_name.py functions in a plugins/ folder and then passing that folder to datasette using the --plugins-dir option: \n datasette mydb.db --plugins-dir=plugins/", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 533, "title": "datasette create-token", "content": "You can also create tokens on the command line using the datasette create-token command. \n This command takes one required argument - the ID of the actor to be associated with the created token. \n You can specify a -e/--expires-after option in seconds. If omitted, the token will never expire. \n The command will sign the token using the DATASETTE_SECRET environment variable, if available. You can also pass the secret using the --secret option. \n This means you can run the command locally to create tokens for use with a deployed Datasette instance, provided you know that instance's secret. \n To create a token for the root actor that will expire in one hour: \n datasette create-token root --expires-after 3600 \n To create a token that never expires using a specific secret: \n datasette create-token root --secret my-secret-goes-here", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 184, "title": "Custom pages", "content": "You can add templated pages to your Datasette instance by creating HTML files in a pages directory within your templates directory. \n For example, to add a custom page that is served at http://localhost/about you would create a file in templates/pages/about.html , then start Datasette like this: \n datasette mydb.db --template-dir=templates/ \n You can nest directories within pages to create a nested structure. To create a http://localhost:8001/about/map page you would create templates/pages/about/map.html .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 324, "title": "1.0a1 (2022-12-01)", "content": "Write APIs now serve correct CORS headers if Datasette is started in --cors mode. See the full list of CORS headers in the documentation. ( #1922 ) \n \n \n Fixed a bug where the _memory database could be written to even though writes were not persisted. ( #1917 ) \n \n \n The https://latest.datasette.io/ demo instance now includes an ephemeral database which can be used to test Datasette's write APIs, using the new datasette-ephemeral-tables plugin to drop any created tables after five minutes. This database is only available if you sign in as the root user using the link on the homepage. ( #1915 ) \n \n \n Fixed a bug where hitting the write endpoints with a GET request returned a 500 error. It now returns a 405 (method not allowed) error instead. ( #1916 ) \n \n \n The list of endpoints in the API explorer now lists mutable databases first. ( #1918 ) \n \n \n The \"ignore\": true and \"replace\": true options for the insert API are now documented . ( #1924 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 404, "title": "Flash messages", "content": "Writable canned queries needed a mechanism to let the user know that the query has been successfully executed. The new flash messaging system ( #790 ) allows messages to persist in signed cookies which are then displayed to the user on the next page that they visit. Plugins can use this mechanism to display their own messages, see .add_message(request, message, type=datasette.INFO) for details. \n You can try out the new messages using the /-/messages debug tool, for example at https://latest.datasette.io/-/messages", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 61, "title": "JSON API for writable canned queries", "content": "Writable canned queries can also be accessed using a JSON API. You can POST data to them using JSON, and you can request that their response is returned to you as JSON. \n To submit JSON to a writable canned query, encode key/value parameters as a JSON document: \n POST /mydatabase/add_message\n\n{\"message\": \"Message goes here\"} \n You can also continue to submit data using regular form encoding, like so: \n POST /mydatabase/add_message\n\nmessage=Message+goes+here \n There are three options for specifying that you would like the response to your request to return JSON data, as opposed to an HTTP redirect to another page. \n \n \n Set an Accept: application/json header on your request \n \n \n Include ?_json=1 in the URL that you POST to \n \n \n Include \"_json\": 1 in your JSON body, or &_json=1 in your form encoded body \n \n \n The JSON response will look like this: \n {\n \"ok\": true,\n \"message\": \"Query executed, 1 row affected\",\n \"redirect\": \"/data/add_name\"\n} \n The \"message\" and \"redirect\" values here will take into account on_success_message , on_success_message_sql , on_success_redirect , on_error_message and on_error_redirect , if they have been set.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 382, "title": "Smaller changes", "content": "Wide tables shown within Datasette now scroll horizontally ( #998 ). This is achieved using a new <div class=\"table-wrapper\"> element which may impact the implementation of some plugins (for example this change to datasette-cluster-map ). \n \n \n New debug-menu permission. ( #1068 ) \n \n \n Removed --debug option, which didn't do anything. ( #814 ) \n \n \n Link: HTTP header pagination. ( #1014 ) \n \n \n x button for clearing filters. ( #1016 ) \n \n \n Edit SQL button on canned queries, ( #1019 ) \n \n \n --load-extension=spatialite shortcut. ( #1028 ) \n \n \n scale-in animation for column action menu. ( #1039 ) \n \n \n Option to pass a list of templates to .render_template() is now documented. ( #1045 ) \n \n \n New datasette.urls.static_plugins() method. ( #1033 ) \n \n \n datasette -o option now opens the most relevant page. ( #976 ) \n \n \n datasette --cors option now enables access to /database.db downloads. ( #1057 ) \n \n \n Database file downloads now implement cascading permissions, so you can download a database if you have view-database-download permission even if you do not have permission to access the Datasette instance. ( #1058 ) \n \n \n New documentation on Designing URLs for your plugin . ( #1053 )", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 47, "title": "Writing plugins that accept configuration", "content": "When you are writing plugins, you can access plugin configuration like this using the datasette plugin_config() method. If you know you need plugin configuration for a specific table, you can access it like this: \n plugin_config = datasette.plugin_config(\n \"datasette-cluster-map\", database=\"sf-trees\", table=\"Street_Tree_List\"\n) \n This will return the {\"latitude_column\": \"lat\", \"longitude_column\": \"lng\"} in the above example. \n If there is no configuration for that plugin, the method will return None . \n If it cannot find the requested configuration at the table layer, it will fall back to the database layer and then the root layer. For example, a user may have set the plugin configuration option inside datasette.yaml like so: \n [[[cog\nfrom metadata_doc import metadata_example\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"databases\": {\n \"sf-trees\": {\n \"plugins\": {\n \"datasette-cluster-map\": {\n \"latitude_column\": \"xlat\",\n \"longitude_column\": \"xlng\"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]] \n In this case, the above code would return that configuration for ANY table within the sf-trees database. \n The plugin configuration could also be set at the top level of datasette.yaml : \n [[[cog\nmetadata_example(cog, {\n \"plugins\": {\n \"datasette-cluster-map\": {\n \"latitude_column\": \"xlat\",\n \"longitude_column\": \"xlng\"\n }\n }\n}) \n ]]] \n [[[end]]] \n Now that datasette-cluster-map plugin configuration will apply to every table in every database.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 226, "title": "Registering a plugin for the duration of a test", "content": "When writing tests for plugins you may find it useful to register a test plugin just for the duration of a single test. You can do this using pm.register() and pm.unregister() like this: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom datasette.app import Datasette\nfrom datasette.plugins import pm\nimport pytest\n\n\n@pytest.mark.asyncio\nasync def test_using_test_plugin():\n class TestPlugin:\n __name__ = \"TestPlugin\"\n\n # Use hookimpl and method names to register hooks\n @hookimpl\n def register_routes(self):\n return [\n (r\"^/error$\", lambda: 1 / 0),\n ]\n\n pm.register(TestPlugin(), name=\"undo\")\n try:\n # The test implementation goes here\n datasette = Datasette()\n response = await datasette.client.get(\"/error\")\n assert response.status_code == 500\n finally:\n pm.unregister(name=\"undo\") \n To reuse the same temporary plugin in multiple tests, you can register it inside a fixture in your conftest.py file like this: \n from datasette import hookimpl\nfrom datasette.app import Datasette\nfrom datasette.plugins import pm\nimport pytest\nimport pytest_asyncio\n\n\n@pytest_asyncio.fixture\nasync def datasette_with_plugin():\n class TestPlugin:\n __name__ = \"TestPlugin\"\n\n @hookimpl\n def register_routes(self):\n return [\n (r\"^/error$\", lambda: 1 / 0),\n ]\n\n pm.register(TestPlugin(), name=\"undo\")\n try:\n yield Datasette()\n finally:\n pm.unregister(name=\"undo\")\n \n Note the yield statement here - this ensures that the finally: block that unregisters the plugin is executed only after the test function itself has completed. \n Then in a test: \n @pytest.mark.asyncio\nasync def test_error(datasette_with_plugin):\n response = await datasette_with_plugin.client.get(\"/error\")\n assert response.status_code == 500", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 315, "title": "1.0a5 (2023-08-29)", "content": "When restrictions are applied to API tokens , those restrictions now behave slightly differently: applying the view-table restriction will imply the ability to view-database for the database containing that table, and both view-table and view-database will imply view-instance . Previously you needed to create a token with restrictions that explicitly listed view-instance and view-database and view-table in order to view a table without getting a permission denied error. ( #2102 ) \n \n \n New datasette.yaml (or .json ) configuration file, which can be specified using datasette -c path-to-file . The goal here to consolidate settings, plugin configuration, permissions, canned queries, and other Datasette configuration into a single single file, separate from metadata.yaml . The legacy settings.json config file used for Configuration directory mode has been removed, and datasette.yaml has a \"settings\" section where the same settings key/value pairs can be included. In the next future alpha release, more configuration such as plugins/permissions/canned queries will be moved to the datasette.yaml file. See #2093 for more details. Thanks, Alex Garcia. \n \n \n The -s/--setting option can now take dotted paths to nested settings. These will then be used to set or over-ride the same options as are present in the new configuration file. ( #2156 ) \n \n \n New --actor '{\"id\": \"json-goes-here\"}' option for use with datasette --get to treat the simulated request as being made by a specific actor, see datasette --get . ( #2153 ) \n \n \n The Datasette _internal database has had some changes. It no longer shows up in the datasette.databases list by default, and is now instead available to plugins using the datasette.get_internal_database() . Plugins are invited to use this as a private database to store configuration and settings and secrets that should not be made visible through the default Datasette interface. Users can pass the new --internal internal.db option to persist that internal database to disk. Thanks, Alex Garcia. ( #2157 ).", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 461, "title": "Foreign key expansions", "content": "When Datasette detects a foreign key reference it attempts to resolve a label\n for that reference (automatically or using the Specifying the label column for a table metadata\n option) so it can display a link to the associated row. \n This expansion is now also available for JSON and CSV representations of the\n table, using the new _labels=on query string option. See\n Expanding foreign key references for more details.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 496, "title": "facet_suggest_time_limit_ms", "content": "When Datasette calculates suggested facets it needs to run a SQL query for every column in your table. The default for this time limit is 50ms to account for the fact that it needs to run once for every column. If the time limit is exceeded the column will not be suggested as a facet. \n You can increase this time limit like so: \n datasette mydatabase.db --setting facet_suggest_time_limit_ms 500", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 12, "title": "Configuring FTS by hand", "content": "We recommend using sqlite-utils , but if you want to hand-roll a SQLite full-text search table you can do so using the following SQL. \n To enable full-text search for a table called items that works against the name and description columns, you would run this SQL to create a new items_fts FTS virtual table: \n CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE \"items_fts\" USING FTS4 (\n name,\n description,\n content=\"items\"\n); \n This creates a set of tables to power full-text search against items . The new items_fts table will be detected by Datasette as the fts_table for the items table. \n Creating the table is not enough: you also need to populate it with a copy of the data that you wish to make searchable. You can do that using the following SQL: \n INSERT INTO \"items_fts\" (rowid, name, description)\n SELECT rowid, name, description FROM items; \n If your table has columns that are foreign key references to other tables you can include that data in your full-text search index using a join. Imagine the items table has a foreign key column called category_id which refers to a categories table - you could create a full-text search table like this: \n CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE \"items_fts\" USING FTS4 (\n name,\n description,\n category_name,\n content=\"items\"\n); \n And then populate it like this: \n INSERT INTO \"items_fts\" (rowid, name, description, category_name)\n SELECT items.rowid,\n items.name,\n items.description,\n categories.name\n FROM items JOIN categories ON items.category_id=categories.id; \n You can use this technique to populate the full-text search index from any combination of tables and joins that makes sense for your project.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 220, "title": "Testing plugins", "content": "We recommend using pytest to write automated tests for your plugins. \n If you use the template described in Starting an installable plugin using cookiecutter your plugin will start with a single test in your tests/ directory that looks like this: \n from datasette.app import Datasette\nimport pytest\n\n\n@pytest.mark.asyncio\nasync def test_plugin_is_installed():\n datasette = Datasette(memory=True)\n response = await datasette.client.get(\"/-/plugins.json\")\n assert response.status_code == 200\n installed_plugins = {p[\"name\"] for p in response.json()}\n assert (\n \"datasette-plugin-template-demo\"\n in installed_plugins\n ) \n This test uses the datasette.client object to exercise a test instance of Datasette. datasette.client is a wrapper around the HTTPX Python library which can imitate HTTP requests using ASGI. This is the recommended way to write tests against a Datasette instance. \n This test also uses the pytest-asyncio package to add support for async def test functions running under pytest. \n You can install these packages like so: \n pip install pytest pytest-asyncio \n If you are building an installable package you can add them as test dependencies to your setup.py module like this: \n setup(\n name=\"datasette-my-plugin\",\n # ...\n extras_require={\"test\": [\"pytest\", \"pytest-asyncio\"]},\n tests_require=[\"datasette-my-plugin[test]\"],\n) \n You can then install the test dependencies like so: \n pip install -e '.[test]' \n Then run the tests using pytest like so: \n pytest", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 448, "title": "Small changes", "content": "We now show the size of the database file next to the download link ( #172 ) \n \n \n New /-/databases introspection page shows currently connected databases ( #470 ) \n \n \n Binary data is no longer displayed on the table and row pages ( #442 - thanks, Russ Garrett) \n \n \n New show/hide SQL links on custom query pages ( #415 ) \n \n \n The extra_body_script plugin hook now accepts an optional view_name argument ( #443 - thanks, Russ Garrett) \n \n \n Bumped Jinja2 dependency to 2.10.1 ( #426 ) \n \n \n All table filters are now documented, and documentation is enforced via unit tests ( 2c19a27 ) \n \n \n New project guideline: master should stay shippable at all times! ( 31f36e1 ) \n \n \n Fixed a bug where sqlite_timelimit() occasionally failed to clean up after itself ( bac4e01 ) \n \n \n We no longer load additional plugins when executing pytest ( #438 ) \n \n \n Homepage now links to database views if there are less than five tables in a database ( #373 ) \n \n \n The --cors option is now respected by error pages ( #453 ) \n \n \n datasette publish heroku now uses the --include-vcs-ignore option, which means it works under Travis CI ( #407 ) \n \n \n datasette publish heroku now publishes using Python 3.6.8 ( 666c374 ) \n \n \n Renamed datasette publish now to datasette publish nowv1 ( #472 ) \n \n \n datasette publish nowv1 now accepts multiple --alias parameters ( 09ef305 ) \n \n \n Removed the datasette skeleton command ( #476 ) \n \n \n The documentation on how to build the documentation now recommends sphinx-autobuild", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 579, "title": "Publishing to Vercel", "content": "Vercel - previously known as Zeit Now - provides a layer over AWS Lambda to allow for quick, scale-to-zero deployment. You can deploy Datasette instances to Vercel using the datasette-publish-vercel plugin. \n pip install datasette-publish-vercel\ndatasette publish vercel mydatabase.db --project my-database-project \n Not every feature is supported: consult the datasette-publish-vercel README for more details.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 482, "title": "0.8 (2017-11-13)", "content": "V0.8 - added PyPI metadata, ready to ship. \n \n \n Implemented offset/limit pagination for views ( #70 ). \n \n \n Improved pagination. ( #78 ) \n \n \n Limit on max rows returned, controlled by --max_returned_rows option. ( #69 ) \n If someone executes 'select * from table' against a table with a million rows\n in it, we could run into problems: just serializing that much data as JSON is\n likely to lock up the server. \n Solution: we now have a hard limit on the maximum number of rows that can be\n returned by a query. If that limit is exceeded, the server will return a\n \"truncated\": true field in the JSON. \n This limit can be optionally controlled by the new --max_returned_rows \n option. Setting that option to 0 disables the limit entirely.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 277, "title": "await_me_maybe(value)", "content": "Utility function for calling await on a return value if it is awaitable, otherwise returning the value. This is used by Datasette to support plugin hooks that can optionally return awaitable functions. Read more about this function in The \u201cawait me maybe\u201d pattern for Python asyncio . \n \n \n async datasette.utils. await_me_maybe value : Any Any \n \n If value is callable, call it. If awaitable, await it. Otherwise return it.", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 71, "title": "datasette uninstall", "content": "Uninstall one or more plugins. \n [[[cog\nhelp([\"uninstall\", \"--help\"]) \n ]]] \n Usage: datasette uninstall [OPTIONS] PACKAGES...\n\n Uninstall plugins and Python packages from the Datasette environment\n\nOptions:\n -y, --yes Don't ask for confirmation\n --help Show this message and exit. \n [[[end]]]", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null} {"rowid": 542, "title": "view-instance", "content": "Top level permission - Actor is allowed to view any pages within this instance, starting at https://latest.datasette.io/ \n Default allow .", "sections_fts": 145, "rank": null}